Hi just a newbie wanting to say hello.!!!

Hi my name is Toni and I am interested in working with someone very much in the real estate note business. I am willing to do research and work together to learn and make a profit. I was working with a gentleman for 9 months and did alot research and found houses and investors for this gentleman and received nothing in return. I'm interested in note listings and am willing to work very hard to make us both profitable.
Please if anyone is interested seriously please contact me.
It's great to be here and am looking forward to meeting some of you online.
Have a great day!!!!
T McNanna smile


  • Vern2nd October, 2002

    Hello Toni,
    Tell me what is it that you want in a partner? Are you looking for someone to put up an equal share and become partners?

  • Rudolf20th December, 2002

    Hey there. I am new, and have a stupid question...

    What exactly is a "real estate note" or "real estate note business"?

    I have been doing normal straight forward deals so far, and being new in this business, I'm not up to date with the lingo yet.


  • Vern20th December, 2002

    Real estate notes are just another name for mortgages. Notes are sold to others at a discount. Say I was a mortgage broker with a 100k mortgage at 9% interest rate for 30yrs. At the end of 30yrs the total value of the mortgage would be 320k. So if I wanted to get my money out of the deal sooner then I would sell the note at a discount.

    As a person finding and connecting discount notes, money is made from the finders fee. At least this how it is suppose to work. What risk there are I am not totally sure. How much money one can make doing these deal, I again my not sure. I fear get rich quick programs myself. I think if it were that easy then everybody would be doing it.

  • ahillyer20th February, 2003

    Hi Toni,

    We should talk. I'm sure we can help each other. E-mail me (preferred) at aaron@notenexus.com or call me at 216-651-4777.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Aaron Hillyer

  • pubdz20th February, 2003

    Hi Toni: I'm interested in talking to you more about RE notes. Please e-mail me at pubdz@msn.com
    Dave Dye

  • EstateHunter20th February, 2003

    Hi Toni!
    I'm a newbie myself. I don't know much but I still wanted to say hello and welcome!

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