Hey Everyone Yes I Am Still Alive LOL

Its been awhile but hey it isnt because I have forgot you... its just been major busy... and for some reason I havent been able to get into this forum.... until I remembered tonight that I also had this on my Laptop of which I got in with no problems..... I will have to see whats keeping me out on my main system,

Anyway, we still are doing the MH biz How about you?

Ya having fun yet? Have ya done a Lonnie deal or a Marky deal hehehe couldnt resist.

Well, whats new? Has some of the worries I mentioned about getting from the lenders changed? Is the market for repo homes changed?

Yes and Yes... and its for the good....

Perhaps tomorrow I will go into more detail but let me say this, buying them again is get easier not more dificult as I onced feared, in fact some really interesting things have happend.

But, we will get into that in a different post all together... for now I just wanted to say Hi and hope I havent been gone so long ya forgot me LOL



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