Heres The Secret ( Dont Read If A Newbe)

I dont like to brag about deals because it gives a false sense of security. I dont read to many " the whole deal fell apart, and I lost my
Watch your Profanity
, stories. When I used to read some of these posts in the begining I got so fired up I would just keep going.

Thats the secret.... Get up and try something. If it doesnt work, keep trying or try something else, but keep trying. Did I make $20,000 on the first deal?,( wuell actually I did but thats not the point , hehe.)
If you buy expensive books on Real Estate, I wont laugh at you.
If you read expensive books on real estate, I wont laugh at you.
But If you buy and read expensive Real Estate books and dont try anything, your the guy Im laughing at.

Jason w notarealtor .com[ Edited by joel on Date 08/11/2003 ]


  • tdelo566th August, 2003

    Your absolutely right!!!!

  • investorB6th August, 2003


    Some famous (or at least rich) ad exec once said "Just do it."

  • stormblade7th August, 2003

    I heard a motivational audio tape once by Zig Ziglar and he explained the lack of action types as "getting cooked in the squat". The whole anecdote was funny.

    That is what happens to most folks - "they squat to rise, but get cooked in the squat". In normal parlance that means they are always waiting for the perfect conditions before getting started.


  • fauche657th August, 2003

    Those who do not fail, will never succeed.

  • Ladybug7th August, 2003

    Some people get a saying backwards:

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" is translated by some as "Nothing ventured, nothing lost"


  • vanrijnr7th August, 2003

    Ok. I've gotta give it to you... "Dont Read If A Newbe" has to be the best line to get them to read this - and everyone else.

    Good post.

  • td9th August, 2003

    Excellent post, great ideas!!

    Prosperous investing,

  • conflix9th August, 2003

    i read this somewhere but don't know who actually said it.

    "successful people don't wait for success to happen to them, they go out and happen to it" -source unknown

  • Wanna-B-Investor9th August, 2003

    "Don't Mistake Movement For Action"


  • LucyTheMortgageBroker11th August, 2003

    Stop being a coward. You'll do what you have to do when you have to do it. Fear of failure, success, just plain fear kept me from plunging in years ago. Now I finally have half a dozen houses and they were all "free" - or the seller paid me to take their house. You can spend the rest of your life being poor, or you can change one little habit a day, then two, then three. Find someone successful and model them. Buy a course and actually do what it says. Little changes add up to a lot over time. Buy a house tomorrow. Do something!

  • Sash11th August, 2003

    "Successful men(women) aren't successful because they don't make mistakes, they are successful because they learn from their mistakes".


  • reinvestors12th August, 2003

    "Stop blah blah and just do it"


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