Here Comes Trouble

I recently moved into my girlfriend's grandmother's 3 family that I fixed up. The dad wants the tenant in the other apt out of there, gave him a months notice, never had a contract, been there 5 years. He's supposed to be out this weekend but I have a feeling he's not going anywhere. In addition, he always used to pay cash, but for the first time this last month he paid with a check. If this guy does cause a problem, I'd like to know what actions to quickly take. I'm not sure what kind of rights the dad (landlord) has with no contract. Thanks a lot.


  • ray_higdon23rd November, 2004

    You need to study your states landlord laws regarding eviction

  • alexlev24th November, 2004

    Listen to Ray, he's right. Your state laws will tell you if the tenant in this situation can be considered month-to-month. If so, you need to make sure that he received 30 day written notice requiring him to vacate the apartment. If after that he's still there, then you get an attorney and go to court to evict him. Make sure the attorney is an eviction specialist. Many attorneys who specialize in real estate have no idea how to do evictions. Evictions are considered dirty work for lawyers and most don't want to and don't know how to do them. But there are some out there who make their entire living on evictions. All the local judges know them, respect them, and they can get the job done right.

  • rvrnorth24th November, 2004

    What you will be looking for is, what are your state requirements for "notice". That is, the 30 day notice that was served. In Illinois ,that is the critical part , the "service" of notice. Hope that helps.

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