
got a call off a postcard i mailed back on 12/1 ( one card 2 months ago!!!! prior to my multiple mailer campaign).
spoke with the seller tonight.

here is the world according to him:
House is worth 160k
he owes 140
Will take 150
He is out of state. just moved due to job
Family is in house, joining him shortly
House not really in foreclosure, mort company misplaced payment and now he's straigtening it out with the lawyer???
He is interested in selling, doesnt want to pay a realtor commision.

What i know:
tax value @ 158k value using sq footage method for area 164k
original balance 109k mortgage is 3 years old ( per notice of sale)
sale date is 3/7/03 ( per notice of sale)

The one thing i dont know is if there is a 2nd? ( i am calling him first thing tommorrow to find out) I wasnt prepared with a call sheet or anything when he called (i was driving in my defense). Not sure where to go with this. I assume the "misplaced payment' is his way of dealing with the foreclosure???

any suggestions on where to take this one??


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