
I need someone to help give me direction. The more I read here, the more opportunities I see. I wouldn't even call my situation analysis paralysis...I just overwhelmed!

I have some cash to work with, though I would like to keep it in the bank to cover any operating expenses.

I'm currently not employed, but the wife is. We are cash flow neatral with her income. Our credit score is great (755).

I'm considering the following:

Rehabs (but not birddogging) - I would work with wholesalers or birddogs to acquire the property

Buying rental properties - Either multi-unit or new single family homes. Currently, my thinking is to mortgage some property with conventional 30 year loans so that I build equity, and mortgage other properties with interest only loans to provide more cash flow.

Building new homes for resale - there seems to be good profit here, but I'm inexperienced, so I would need to work with an experienced partner.

Anyway, is there anyone out there willing to slap some sense into me?



  • pejames29th December, 2003

    Sure Dave,
    Be glad to slap ya! but, you might get more accomplished by figuring out which direction you want to go in and then put together a game plan on how to accomplish this. (Goal setting) There is a lot of great info here, but it does you no good unless you put it to work. Good luck and let me know if you still need a slap! haha

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