Help With Property Searches.


I hope somone might be able to offer a newbie like myself some advice.

I found 3 homes all in decent areas. Two of which are condemed. I went home did an online search at county records. Two of the homes will not even show up in Tax records? I feel dump saying this but I'm not sure what would be my next step for finding out who owns these homes any and all advice welcome.

The other home I did find in public records and being new to reading documents it states that it is listed as Corportate Assignment for $10 the transaction occured June 03. It lists what I think is a bank any advice on this one also is greatly appreciated!



  • davese21st May, 2004

    Check out a company called realquest. Do a search in yahoo. They have free trials. You should find out that way.

  • Zaxdad21st May, 2004

    If two of the houses are condemed wouldn't the city department have a record of the actual owners? Have you tried that avenue?

  • cjmazur21st May, 2004

    you might try the tax assessor or collecter in addition to the county recorder.

    The corporate assignment I would guess is a REO property.

  • Twiltz22nd May, 2004

    Hey guys I found both houses. I feel dumb now I was looking up the wrong street spelling on the one. The other I did a general search on the web in the tax assesments under the name of the street and found it that way.

    One of these houses on 3/03/04 had an auction at the courthouse steps, but still lists under the original owners name whom I tried to contact and her phone number is disco. I did the normal searches like directory assistance, and some online searching. Unfortunatly I haven't turned up anything on her.

    Might my next step be to take a trip to the tax assesors office, to find out who is paying the taxes on this one? Thanks for all your advice I appreciate having a board like this one with people who are so helpful!


  • Twiltz24th May, 2004

    Noone responded yet? :-( [ Edited by Twiltz on Date 05/24/2004 ]

  • DebbieDD25th May, 2004

    You can go one step further and contact a skip trace company to do a phone number search on the owner. If this turns up nothing, you can have them do a comprehensive report. The report will tell you the names and phone numbers of relatives. If you call the relatives, make sure you tell them that you are interested in a piece of property that the owner has. That way, they know you are not a bill collector trying to track down their brother, uncle, etc. They will be more willing to give you information. You can also ask the neighbors that live next dorr to the property. IUf they know that you are interested in buying it and having it fixed up, they would be willing to help you find the owner, just to get rid of the eyesore.

  • Twiltz26th May, 2004


    Thank you for the great advice. I have been doing some more digging and have found the 1st and last names of the owners for all three of the homes, and the Social Security #'s for two of the home owners as well.. I just wasn't sure what to do with that information next. Maybe a skip tracer would be the best route.

    The houses are definatly vacant. I was considering posting up a flier on the door as well as mailing out a letter at the same time. Could anyone recommend a good flier for putting on a door and a good letter that may do the trick? Thanks again for all your help.

    -Suzanne[ Edited by Twiltz on Date 05/26/2004 ]

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