Help! The Park Broke In My MH And Now Renting It Out

After Default Judgement to evict for not paying 1 Mos. Rent, (total of judgment was $467 with all fees) the Park physically kept movers from moving my MH off the Lot (demanded 1,000 to get MH back). Park subsequently broke into my MH and removed all possesions without notice and I filed Burglary with police (no action taken by police). Park now moved my home to another location in Park and set-up home and has SOMEBODY LIVING IN MY HOME! No notice was given except that the park would sell MH if I didn't give them $2k. I Financed with Mortgate Co, so the Park can't just take the home from them either. Can the park Just Take my home and my possessions b/c I wouldn't pay their Ransom?


  • loanwizard30th November, 2004

    Something's not quite hoyle with your story. 1st, the judgement. the judgement was rendered at the time of eviction I imagine. Meanwhile rent doesn't stop because the ol beast is still sitting on their property. I imagine that they had a writ of execution which allowed them to remove your possessions. Most states have laws to protect the tenant, but you gotta do your duty as well. Proof at least to me that the park has had no wrong doing, is the fact that you filed a report to the local constabulary and they did nothing about it. They are not in cahoots with any particular entity and are sworn to enforce the law. Well son, if the law is on the side of the park, you lose. As far as the park and the lender, the lender probably didn't want to pay the lot rent either, so rather than incur more expense they probably signed the trailer over to the park in lieu of further lot rent. All in all, it sounds like you've had a bad day. Move on and get on with your life, but remember to pay your computer payment to Rent a Center or you won't be able to talk with guys like us.

    Good Luck,

  • esevans1st December, 2004

    Sure that's the whole story? I would think it would cost you a lot more than a grand to move the home, have it set up somewhere else, start paying rent again, plus all the hassle with transferring utilities.

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