Help Once Again Please.

Sorry to ask and not search, but I need help fast. To close my sale I need to carry a personal loan between myself and the buyer. Do you know any cookie cutter contracts I can down-load, what interest I should charge, write an amortization sheet? I live in oregon just incase that matters. Thanks for the help.


  • DaShow7th December, 2005

    I believe there are free contracts in this website under Freebies or downloads, otherwise there are generic contracts and stuff at

  • joe7358th December, 2005

    thanks, thats just what I needed.

  • Stockpro9920th November, 2005

    In my area I pay $3 a sf for installation and that is all inclusive on labor.

    For ceramic add another 1$ for materials (discount tile at Lowes or Home Depot<.75 sf)

    Hope this helps!

  • the81investor22nd November, 2005

    On 2005-11-20 21:49, Stockpro99 wrote:
    In my area I pay $3 a sf for installation and that is all inclusive on labor.

    For ceramic add another 1$ for materials (discount tile at Lowes or Home Depot<.75 sf)

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks Stockpro, I already have the supplies and he gave me a quote that comes out to around $2.30 sq. ft. so I guess that would be fair; time is money ehh?

  • NC_Yank2nd December, 2005

    Hey Rehab,

    I agree with you.....but here again, I suspect that most of these guys are "handymen" that do a little of everything know, jack of all trades, master of none.

    I charge $6.00 per sq. ft. for labor, $7.50 if I put down the Ditra. If they put the underlayment down then I do not warranty any of the work.

    You want some elaborate patterns......$10 - $15.00 per sq. ft.........................I have no problem getting jobs. You go to any Lowes or Home Depot in my area and they are charging at least $6.00 per sq. ft. and those are guys who slap it down and go.

    Again, you have to realize that many of the guys here are fixing and flipping as fast as possible..........I seriously doubt they are putting alot of detail in their work.............and I understand why.


  • mrare682nd December, 2005

    Here in MI the going rate is anywhere between 8-10 bucks a sf.

  • Stockpro993rd December, 2005

    $3 a foot includes floating the floor (laying down the lath and covering it in mortar, I have a number of people that will do it at that price that are quality installers.

  • rmdane20003rd December, 2005

    they are talking about price, not whether or not they are licensed and insured.

  • ZinOrganization4th December, 2005

    Some people make a living as investors, others make a living as contractors(licensed or not)

    I buy houses dirt cheap compared to many investors but i still find workers at the best prices.

    Take for example a siding job i needed done on a three story 2000 sq ft home. One guy i called said he does a fabulous job and that he would show me some of the houses he has done. His price was 30 thousand dollars. Another guy i called just finished a job and was in need of winter work, said he would do it for 6k and show me the house he just did. As an investor who do you think i chose? and both were licensed. Excuse me if i didnt feel like paying for the guys new Mercedes.

    As a contractor i might have took the guy who wanted 30 grand because his siding might shine a little more when the sun hits it at a certain angle.

    some people see it from a contractor point of view and some see it from a business/investor point of view.

    Theres just as many shady contractors willing to rip off people as there are investors trying to cut corners so i wouldnt be so quick as to point the finger to the investor who is "chassing the mighty dollar"

    good luck.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 12/04/2005 ]

  • Stockpro994th December, 2005

    I never check the tile layers credentials. I get a good reference from someone else he has done work for and I hire him. I have been using two repeatedly. One is not licensed (white guy) and the other latino has a handyman license I believe. Has done at least 10 houses for me.
    Having been a contractor I know what a good job is and once I find a good installer I use him again and again.
    The college kid loves the extra work

  • NC_Yank4th December, 2005

    On 2005-12-04 20:04, ZinOrganization wrote:

    I buy houses dirt cheap compared to many investors but i still find workers at the best prices.

    As a contractor i might have took the guy who wanted 30 grand because his siding might shine a little more when the sun hits it at a certain angle.

    some people see it from a contractor point of view and some see it from a business/investor point of view.

    Theres just as many shady contractors willing to rip off people as there are investors trying to cut corners so i wouldnt be so quick as to point the finger to the investor who is "chassing the mighty dollar"

    good luck.
    <font size=-1>[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 12/04/2005 ]</font>

    Hey Zin,

    Trust me, a professional contractor......(and Im not talking some jackleg that gets his license and rips people off) not going to pay 30k for a 6k job. At the same time, he will verify the sub has the necessary insurance etc. so that if something goes wrong then he can always file a claim.

    That my friend requires subs having to charge more for his extra overhead expenses. I dont mind paying for that extra protection.

    As you and I both agree on and you said your investor buys low. Rehabbers (not all....usually the novices) will buy a property with $$ in their eyes and sometimes emotions attached. You and I both know that such things will eventually bite you in the tail.

    As I have stated in articles and other post............all a license does is typically give their client an avenue to pursue if things go wrong. It does not mean that they are a "professional" in any since of the word. I personally wish NC would be tougher on who they give GC and home inspector license well as all states adopt building code guidelines and adhere those that work within the industry to such standards. It protects not only the consumer but our investments........the properties themselves in which we make our money.

    My comments are not pointed at the professional investor..............its the ones who know very little about REI...............the ones that believe all the get rich quick schemes they see on tv that make you think REI is the place to make easy money with very little knowledge.

    For everyone that has made it in the business I suspect there are hundreds if not thousands that that lost their shirt due to poor business decisions and lack of knowledge and understanding within the various fields of REI.

    Hey Stockpro,

    I know you make sound decision based upon your past experience as contractor (as well as your informative posts) the same time we all know that many rehabbers get into the field with little or limited knowledge. My comments and concerns are pointed at those.

    regards all.....


  • mikejaquish4th December, 2005

    "Hey Stockpro,

    I know you make sound decision based upon your past experience as contractor (as well as your informative posts) the same time we all know that many rehabbers get into the field with little or limited knowledge. My comments and concerns are pointed at those. "


  • harveynailbanger4th December, 2005

    be careful with hiring "contractors" for your rehab work you should ask some questions.
    like are you insured, licensed , references etc.
    too easy to get burned by crack heads ,drunks etc. if you dont have the money in the house for the repairs you should rethink the process. also i try to avoid freind of a freind deals as they can get to the way i charge 5/sf tile 2.50 for backer and 1.00 sf grout ,no warranty unless i install backer thats goin rate in northern maryland

  • harveynailbanger4th December, 2005

    be careful with hiring "contractors" for your rehab work you should ask some questions.
    like are you insured, licensed , references etc.
    too easy to get burned by crack heads ,drunks etc. if you dont have the money in the house for the repairs you should rethink the process. also i try to avoid freind of a freind deals as they can get to the way i charge 5/sf tile 2.50 for backer and 1.00 sf grout ,no warranty unless i install backer thats goin rate in northern maryland

  • harveynailbanger4th December, 2005

    be careful with hiring "contractors" for your rehab work you should ask some questions.
    like are you insured, licensed , references etc.
    too easy to get burned by crack heads ,drunks etc. if you dont have the money in the house for the repairs you should rethink the process. also i try to avoid freind of a freind deals as they can get to the way i charge 5/sf tile 2.50 for backer and 1.00 sf grout ,no warranty unless i install backer thats goin rate in northern maryland

  • harveynailbanger4th December, 2005

    be careful with hiring "contractors" for your rehab work you should ask some questions.
    like are you insured, licensed , references etc.
    too easy to get burned by crack heads ,drunks etc. if you dont have the money in the house for the repairs you should rethink the process. also i try to avoid freind of a freind deals as they can get to the way i charge 5/sf tile 2.50 for backer and 1.00 sf grout ,no warranty unless i install backer thats goin rate in northern maryland

  • harveynailbanger4th December, 2005

    be careful with hiring "contractors" for your rehab work you should ask some questions.
    like are you insured, licensed , references etc.
    too easy to get burned by crack heads ,drunks etc. if you dont have the money in the house for the repairs you should rethink the process. also i try to avoid freind of a freind deals as they can get to the way i charge 5/sf tile 2.50 for backer and 1.00 sf grout ,no warranty unless i install backer thats goin rate in northern maryland

  • NC_Yank10th December, 2005


    So, true................those of us that have been in the business for awhile have seen this ugly side of the business far too long......and its getting worse.

    It is supported by those who would and are selling their country out for the almighty dollar. Typically it is done by politicians it is done for the sole reason to get votes.........................and both parties do it............the democrats as a whole and our current president (whom I voted) is doing the same thing.......not surprised.

    The politician does it for power...........the opportunistic entreprenuer does it for $$$$$$.

    Is there a fixable solution........................well it would require the following:

    1. Unions (communist in nature) would have to look at the bigger picturer. Paying a union worker $25.00 per hour to perform a $7.00 per hour task will run jobs out of this country.

    2. Americans work ethick must change. Digging ditches or flipping a hamburger is not beneath anyone, especially when you have no experience or training and your hungry.
    How about getting off your butt and work for a living at any job instead of realying on 40% of my income.

    3. Yes, America should be first. I am part of the America first crowd and the heck with the rest of the world.
    As a matter of fact I saw alot of piss ant countries that were scared out of their mind with the possiblity that we could and should have nuked a few people.

    4. We need to realize that after 50 years of helping a bunch of 3rd world countries in the middle east (who believe that women are nothing more then sperm banks and that all christian nations are infidels) that we have helped a bunch of ingrates that deserve nothing less that our wrath.
    Quite frankly they can keep their own oil..............we need to use OUR oil any one that objects to such should be sent over to those 3rd world countries for a year...................if they are fortunate to make it through that first year without being beheaded.............we should consider taking them back.

    6. True border security.................
    I dont mind people coming over here legally (as did my took them 20 years but they got here).......I do mind when illegals come over and cause havoc to our economy (Kannapolis, NC), which it has, and tragedy in our personal lives. (Charlotte, NC)
    I dont know how many illegals I have arrested for DWI where injuries or fatalities were involved.
    I wont even get into the health care know, where I am paying $500.00 per month for lousy health care and illegals get it free (at my expense).....................go figure.

    And for anybody to think that the hispanic race as a whole (not individually) does not have a drinking problem...........well you got your head in the sand. The above statement comes from 10 years of law enforcement experience and is backed up by FBI statistics given to every police agency across the nation.

    To answer my own question...............No.......nothing will change and it will get worse.

    warm regards, NC_Yank
    [ Edited by NC_Yank on Date 12/10/2005 ]

  • nateham69th December, 2005


    I love seeing success!!



  • AustinREGuy10th December, 2005

    Great job!!!

  • Stockpro9910th December, 2005


    What an accomplishment!!

  • cdkerr110th December, 2005

    I would work first on getting the water away fromn the house. Pipe downspouts away from house, and make sure ground is higher near house so water flows away. It is hard to stop water from the inside by just sealing walls.

  • NC_Yank11th December, 2005

    You need to address the point of origin first.
    In this case it is my opinion that you need a french drain around the house to keep water from getting inside.

    In addition you should have the foundation sealed..........which a professional foundation proofing company can do both and should recommend same.

    Price?????????????? around.

    Simply putting on ezlock, drylock or any other material you can get a local hardware store will not address the real issue.

    As a contractor and home inspector, I can tell you from experience that water / moisture is the number 1 reason that homes is paramount that all water issues be addressed permenantly.



  • InActive_Account11th December, 2005

    umm.... Keep the dry wall off the floor. No contact with the concrete = no wicking of moisture into the gypsum. Leave a 1/2 inch gap between the drywall and the concrete, use baseboard to hide the gap.[ Edited by The-Rehabinator on Date 12/11/2005 ]

  • Stockpro995th December, 2005

    I would put in new slabs, and interior one for me is less than $20 for s simple door. Skins are about $20 if you try and reskin them.

    I would suggest putting in a new slab, it will probably be easier and look better and you will only save a little money trying to do it yourself.

    IF you were painting them then I would suggest fixing damage with Bondo and then painting the slabs..

  • NC_Yank5th December, 2005

    Depends what you are going to do with the rehab?

    If it is a rental and as you said; "scratched"......then fill it and paint it and be done.

    If its a nice house then why are you worrying about spending up to $150.00 to get new slabs?


  • IBuyHousesInc6th December, 2005

    If I had that tight of a budget I would consider filling in the scratches and PAINTING the doors white.. Even if I had to paint a couple good doors to match it will be cheaper.

    As for sanding the surface you can some and that may be your answer.

    Next time buy something with more spread...

  • dugnet8th December, 2005

    I have refinished and stained these types of doors. The panels on these are very thin and have support in only a few areas. The problem I found was that the sanding was very hard to get uniform and the sanding block would dig in deeper where the panel of the door was supported from behind. In the areas with no support the sanding would be very light. This contrast would show up pretty obvious once the stain was applied. If I had to do it over again, I would buy new or paint the old ones, not stain.

    Hope this helps,


  • dugnet8th December, 2005

    I have refinished and stained these types of doors. The panels on these are very thin and have support in only a few areas. The problem I found was that the sanding was very hard to get uniform and the sanding block would dig in deeper where the panel of the door was supported from behind. In the areas with no support the sanding would be very light. This contrast would show up pretty obvious once the stain was applied. If I had to do it over again, I would buy new or paint the old ones, not stain.

    Hope this helps,


  • bizeedad11th December, 2005

    Newbie here. A trick my dad used was to add sawdust to wood putty to fill in scratches or small holes and then sand by hand and stain to match.

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