Help On The Best Short Selling Program?

Can anyone offer their input on the best short selling program? Looking for the best step by step program.

Thanks for any help!


  • TheShortSalePro30th August, 2004

    There are any number of articles, ebooks, Primers, and courses available.
    Some are more factual... some are more hype.... citing examples that are more the exception than the rule.

    Without a foundation in real estate... they'll probably just collect dust.

    I'd suggest that you read as much 'free' info as you can... decide what makes sense and cull what sounds like BS.

  • alegrier30th August, 2004

    It all depends on what you are looking for. If you are truly interested in a step-by-step guide then I would tell you to speak with some other investors on this site and get peoples opinion who actually have real life experiences to share. Another effective way would be to do a search on the net for "short sales." If your goal is to simply purchase a short sale course then there are several courses on the market. I'm confident that you will find the best and most effective course that will fit your needs if you follow these tips.

  • Hibby31st August, 2004

    Thanks folks.

    Alegrer, that is exactly what I am looking for, some experienced short sellers with a pointing hand in the right direction rolleyes

    Any input on step by step / programs would be EXTREMELY helpful!


  • alegrier31st August, 2004

    check out the article "Short Sale Considerations" on this site.

  • JeffAdams31st August, 2004

    There are still many opportunities for shortsales here in California. It seems like the person who told this is just envious he does not know how to shortsale. It can be a win/win situation for everyone. I would not recommend doing shortsales for someone first starting out.. There are way too many other ways to find deals such as the 'absentee' owners... I would wait until you have a couple deals under you belt or two. You might even want to try out the Short Sales Pro course on here...

    Best Riches,
    Jeff Adam

  • Lufos31st August, 2004

    Dear Niceguy,

    Of one thing thou canst be sure. There are those blinded by money and greed. They are always with us and you will compete against them.

    I knock on the door and there he is ahead of me trying to get the widow woman to sign a Grant Deed to the property. His thumb is over the amounts of the agreement. Why you may ask? Cause the amount is so small it would not make a mouse squeak.....

    You look within and set your own morality. I try to help. I try to answer the needs and desires of he or her or it , who are in trouble and in title. Sometimes I make money and sometimes I just get a headache.

    But if this is what you want to do. Go do it.

    Mostly I am trying to create low cost housing. But when my need is there I run preforeclosures. I also run pre pre pre delinquents. I get them from a highly confidential source who will lose his job if it ever got out that I had figured out where they throw out the 15 day loan moniter printouts.

    Sometimes I follow the Tax bills, not too sale but long before usualy around the 3 year delinq. level.

    Of cours sometimes I follow the Department of Building and Safety violation notices. But I am prepared. to arrange a refinance, a hard money loan, a loan to correct a building fault or violation.

    I can intrude on a foreclosure and work out with the Loss Mitigator just how to cure without killing the client. You name it I can solve the problem. Well almost any. I still can't get John of Lock to apologize..

    I can take over an existing loan as I go into title and in exchange for my cooperation in curing the delinquency the lender will authorize the title change and not accellerate the loan. People and Companies love money.

    Years ago I am in a tent in the middle of a desert., I am having a little problem with my Arabic cause these are Bedoins and their lifestyle is interchangable with the goats they hang out with. "Tell me" says papa, "How would you describe your Capitalist System? Can you give it to me in one word?" See thats the big thing reduce everything down to one word. I gave it to him. "GREED" Of course his daughter had just given me the same brief response to a request. "NO".

    Only took me 30 years, but. Its fun. Great material for a book. Hmmmmmm.

    Cheers Lucius

  • Niceguy131st August, 2004


    Thanks I guess there are ethical and unethical shortsellers. You mentioned an "absentee owner"

    What kind of a deal is that


  • JeffAdams31st August, 2004

    That is whereby you contact owners of properties that live out of state and out of the area via mail-phonecall-offer.....

    That is your best bet just starting out. Offer to close quickly and take the houses with the tenants.. You will be surprised at how many deals you will find.

    By the way, Lufos, where have you been
    neighbor. I was up in your part of the woods last Friday night, ate dinner at
    "Cuba de Asia' at the Modrian.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

  • Niceguy131st August, 2004

    On 2004-08-31 17:11, JeffreyAdam wrote:
    That is whereby you contact owners of properties that live out of state and out of the area via mail-phonecall-offer.....

    You will be surprised at how many deals you will find.

    How do you find deals like that Do I need to be an investor?
    BTW Have you done shortsales here in CA.? I would love to know the details I can call or something


    [ Edited by Niceguy1 on Date 09/01/2004 ]

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