Help In Alabama

I have a situation. My wife an I are REI's. I am still in a Ch.13 bankruptcy paying back 100%. My wife has been out of Ch. 7 for over 2.5 yrs. All due to the feasco of 2001. We currently have 7 properties that we've acquired through 'Contract for Deeds' with Seller financing. Balloons are coming due. How do we get refinancing to Balloon the Seller and continue our project seeking? Are there any lenders out there that will lend on equity only with out credit checks or verification of income or asset? If so Who? confused


  • davehays23rd December, 2003


  • InActive_Account23rd December, 2003

    Thanks davehays
    I have sent several requests out but most don't service Alabama. Do you know any specifically?

  • kenmax23rd December, 2003

    how much time are you talking about. refin. takes time. how much equity do you have in these prop. if time is short it may be best to sell and pool your eq. and start again bankruptcy is hard to over come and a multiplied hardship with 7 props. ggod luck. kenmax

  • InActive_Account23rd December, 2003

    These properties were all acquired in the last 1.5 years. They are clear of any Ch.7 or 13. Each property has an appraisal value of over $50,000. The most I owe on any one is less than $50,000. But finding a lender that services Alabama is the problem I am having.

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