Hello/Goodbye And Happy Holidays

Well there is no 'off topic' section so I put this here:

Hello everyone.

I thought I would start a HAPPY HOLIDAYS thread. I encourage others to add your own thread. Bless us with your Holiday thoughts and suggestions and tell us all a little more about yourselves.

I am just saying bye til I get back after Christmas BWAHAHAH you didn't think I would leave that easily did you?????

If you don't want to read a rambling post just hit the BACK button NOW to avoid all this JUNK.

I will be gone for about a week so probably wont be posting. I KNOW this has SOME of you VERY happy right now.

I find myself VERY happy for MANY reasons and thankful for all the luck I have had in the past year.

From reading MANY of the posts here I believe there are a LARGE number of young guys new to RE.

I think we count as members of our little board the young studs who are all full of ---- and vinegar who can motivate us older guys. We also have the middle age guys who have some experience but THINK they are still in touch with the young guys. And then we have the older guys who really don't care what the young guys are up to just as long as they can help each other make some more money.

So any ways as being in my middle years, we are living until we are in our eighties RIGHT???, I encourage everyone to enjoy this time with your families. For those people you can not be with at this time of year PLEASE call them and tell them you are thinking of them.

I have a SERIOUS situation with the matriarch, that means my mom for you young studs , in which she MIGHT not be with us this time next year. Thus the reason for my sudden decision to go see her with my new wife.

I would also like to STRONGLY encourage you new guys to PLEDGE a certain % of your new money to help feed some children or some other charity, just don't have it to save animals or some other such ridiculous charity when we have children in our own county starving. (Hey I had to put that in so this ENTIRE post was NOT politically correct. )

HONESTLY if you make the pledge NOW you will not even miss it. Try and decide on 10% for AFTER taxes income to donate. HECK make it fun, go to the dollar store and see how many fake Barbi dolls and Match box cars, and winter gloves you can buy with your profits from the year. Then go actually HAND this stuff to the end users at the local homeless shelter or cancer center.

If you walk out of there without a tear in your eye then you are a tougher guy than I am.

SO in ending, yes yes I KNOW everyone is happy it is ending. Thank you all for the advice you have given and I hope you all the BEST of luck in your endevours.

May God bless you and your families.[ Edited by MrMike on Date 12/21/2003 ]


  • Zach21st December, 2003

    I'm off to Europe myself tomorrow afternoon for a couple of weeks, so you won't have to put up with my twisted remarks for a while either, haha. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday! Oh, and if any of you decide to donate to a charity, I highly recommend the Christian Children's Fund. And if you're real particular about helping people here in the U.S., they do their thing here as well as in other countries. How about sponsoring one kid for every property you own??? That's what I'm trying to do, although I haven't met that goal yet. Well, whatever everyone does, have a great time and see you next year! Zach <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif"> [ Edited by Zach on Date 12/21/2003 ]

  • rma13921st December, 2003

    Happy Holidays to all!! so nice of MrMike to start this .......... and yes - in the true spirit of christmas and of being investors...we should remember those less fortunate than us - it is always a noble act to give back to the community - remember - there is nothing that you can't give away or somebody can take/rob/or otherwise scam you out of that the lord won't give back ten fold if your heart is true!!!! no day is ever promised to you (Zach - been there with my mother - she had a brain anyeurism and lived for 8 years after) - so if there is someone that you care about make sure that you tell them
    Merry Christmas
    Happy New Year

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