Have Any Of You Experts Heard Of This.

Today we found out the sellers accepted our offer. The house is a foreclosure and has been on the market for almost 2 years. They are paying 6k in closing cost and the price is 199k. Ok, they are requesting that before we go any further my realtor forward my trimerge report to a Wells Fargo Rep. to re preapprove me. Even though I have already been preapproved through Peoples Choice. I myself found this to be odd. I told my broker this and she thinks it even odder and does not want to do this. She says they are trying to do the loan. The company that the home is w/ is Prmeire Asset. I really want this home but at this point I feel they are making us jump through too many hoops. Is this common w/ a foreclosure?[ Edited by kimhaw on Date 12/02/2004 ]


  • rajwarrior2nd December, 2004

    If it is the seller that is requesting a copy of your credit report, then don't send it, as they have no business reviewing it anyway.

    If Wells Fargo is NOT the seller, then I don't understand how they fit into the picture OR where they got your information.


  • kimhaw2nd December, 2004

    I am thinking wells fargo and premiere asset are in some sort of agreement. Well Fargo owns the property but I still don't understand why they need my trimerge.

  • NeeChee3rd December, 2004

    Maybe there are other liens that you are not aware of. Ask. Even though, I don't see why they need your CR

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