Have An Exit Strategy Before You Sign The Papers

When refinancing your mortgage you should consider following:

Do I want to lower my payment and reduce my holding costs?

Do I want to restructure my mortgage with today's great rates to shave years off my mortgage?

It basically boils down to what is your focus

• If you are value speculating to just capture the equity down the road via a sale. Then lower you’re holding costs as much as you can.

• If you are looking at the property as income producing for say a retirement. Then you should sacrifice short term cash flow for a 15 year mortgage. 10 rentals free and clear would be a pretty good retirement income. This would be a great strategy for someone in their thirties. This does not mean accept a negative cash flow.

The point of this is to think about what you are doing and have a plan.

This is one of the few investments that you can plan out from beginning to end. That’s why we invest in Real Estate. In Real Estate Investing being Pro-Active will make you wealthy.


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