Has Anyone Used An Auto-telemarketing Machine To Generate Leads?

I have been considering buying a machine that dials out 12 hours a day with an "I buy houses" message. Of course I will not program "do not call "numbers. Has anyone used one of these and if so were the results good , bad , or medium?


  • jeff1200213th October, 2004

    Personally I hang up when I recieve a call from anything other than a real person before I listen to the message. Since this is my attitude, I have not condsidered this method as a viable option for my business.
    But then that's just me!

  • jripeastwest13th October, 2004


    Your horrible for thinking like that. Buying a machine like that is the main cause of these do not call lists. Call with something real to say.

  • paulmcconnon13th October, 2004

    The question was and still is------
    Has anyone used one of these and if so were the results good , bad , or medium?

  • tmpringle30113th October, 2004


    One of the many benefits to this site is that people can come here and throw ideas around without looking or feeling foolish.

    You comment about being "horrible for thinking like that" is unfortuntely not going to motivate new investors to share thoughts and ideas, even if you disagree with the concept.

    I'd like to think that on this site, we do not insult each other nor condemn ideas just offer our opinions in a respectful way.

  • Stockpro9913th October, 2004

    I think you deserve an A for creative thinking! I have never heard of anyone doing this but at least your outside the box smile
    I think the poor responses above were unwarranted and would hope that people would avoid personal attacks in the future.
    Frequently when you try something new people will try and pull you down. I can't convince my family of a thing yet I earn well into the 6 figure range and they are less than 50K.
    Keep thinking creatively, I don't think it has been done much but it was worth a try smile


  • jeff1200213th October, 2004

    How big is the market you plan on using with this machine? There are likely good statistics about the expected response rates that people typically get with these things. If the typical rate is .003% and yours is .0035% Is that good, bad, or medium? What result would be acceptable to you? Judging by the responses of this post, I'd say quickly that you will alienate most of the people your machine contacts, before you even get started. I wish you luck in your search for more information on this subject.

    Please don't put my number in that thing.

  • shamund13th October, 2004

    Hey Paul,

    Good thinking. You need to check out www.Netlinia.com- a telemarketing service that is used to notify investors by phone.

    I found out about this technique thru Scott Rister's course. He suggests using it to notify investors that are already on your buyers' list though. But you were on the right track.

    If you considered making the calls using a telemarketing machine, your phone line could be tied up for hours as you may already be aware of(depending on the number of investors you have). Netlinia's service could do the same thing instantly. Hope this helps.


  • BillGatten13th October, 2004

    Hey! C'mon you guys.

    I use Marketouch Media every day of my life. You call one number and record your messages (e.g., one for FSBO's, one for landlords, one for BKs, one for foreclosures; lease Optionors, etc.). Then everyday my assistant types in all the phone numbers it is to call. And viola! I start getting calls from folks who heard clearly what I'm looking for (carry the financing and leave your equity in tact). I don't have to take unnecessary calls or calls from weirdoes that way. And for every call, I have a house if I want it.

    The system prompts you to specify whether you want to call live person answers or answering machines only. I always select answering machines, because I don't want anyone knowing it was not a live call. If a live person does answer, the system just hangs up and tries again the next day (for as many tries as you program it to make).

    You can also program in what time of day or week it is to start and end the calling; whether or not you want fax on demand; and which message you want sent to which group, etc.

    Remember the so-called Do-Not-Call lists are there for unsolicited calls: not for people who have paid big money to try to get us to call them. Every ad for a property for sale, rent or lease is pleading with us to call them...at any hour or at any time.

    I love it when others don’t know these secrets.

    `Cognitive Rigidity" is what is the "horrible thing" is.

    Bill Gatten

  • jeff1200214th October, 2004

    I agree with what you have said, and respect your method, and reasoning. I now realize that I may have jumped to a conclusion that the original poster was considering this as a method for cold-calling.

    If I was wrong in that, Please accept my apologies.


  • shamund14th October, 2004

    Excuse me for the typo on that lead. I don't have the correct name but it's similar. I will post the correct site ASAP.

  • ClemsonInvestor29th October, 2004

    I think automated calls are a great idea when used effectively. Bill's idea of just reaching answering machines sounds interesting - I'm going to implement that myself!

    The key to why this method could be valuable is the automation and cost. Response rate is important, but return on investment and return on time are the most crucial factors. If I know that 1000s of calls are being made on my behalf per day, while I'm doing something else, all I have to do is relax and wait for the motivated sellers to call back.

    Thanks for the ideas guys.

  • jksal29th October, 2004

    Bill is exactly correct. These services/machines can be programmed to only leave messages on machines and to hang up automatically if a person answers. Also you can record different messages to play when a person answers versus when the voice mail picks up.

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