Has Anyone Tried Using An "I Buy Homes" Car Sign?

Just wondering if anyone has ever tried putting an "I buy houses" sign on their vehicle, and if yes, if they received any calls from it?

thanks smile



  • Wingnut22nd February, 2004

    Yes, I have used this type of advertising since the beginning of 2003. Total cost for the magnetic sign was $50. To me this is a great advertising method.

  • rup22nd February, 2004

    I just put one on my truck two days ago. $30 for a kit from OfficeMax, and 2 hours on my living room floor. It actually looks pretty good.

    I have already gotten one lead so far. Not bad at all.

  • geispc2724th February, 2004

    Very good. Sounds like it is worth a shot.



  • Jimbezy3rd March, 2004

    I think stickers work well also. This one guy runs around town with a Lifted Chevy truck with a "Sell Your house in 9 Minutes" sticker on the back window. Its big and you can clearly see it above all the other cars because the truck is soo much higher, I mean he got me to call just to see what exactly he did.
    Turns out he sells houses in a kind of auction style and the truck was his sons. Now thats a good idea, I mean if you buy your kids car, its only fare they advertise for you.[ Edited by Jimbezy on Date 03/03/2004 ]

  • Pre4CloseQueen2Bee3rd March, 2004

    I Have signs on 4 vehicles, have for a year, Only had 3 calls from those signs. Guess it all depends on time and circumstances. No one method works the same for everyone. It's not a large investment so I think it would be worth your wild to try it. Good Luck. Let me Know the outcome.

  • Lufos3rd March, 2004

    Gentlemen and Ladies,

    Please you are going at it the wrong way you have to create a stir, you have to make think people you are rich and stupid. That way they will want you to buy their house cause they know they can take an advantage.

    I usualy drive around in a beautifuly restored 1981 VW Diesel Pick Up Truck. You know the special wheels, the shiny black cover on the back that lifts on little power rods. It has gone over 1,130,000 miles, still gets 54 miles per gallon if you drive it the way I drive it. Very old man type driving. Never over 55 miles per hour and I keep my finger extended out the window in answer to the many many horns.

    Now as to signs. I have a very nice classic Ferrari, very red, very italian very rich looking with the chrome wire wheels and the exhaust that sounds like a Swedish Movie Star moaning low at a really bad reading. the kind of a reading given late at night at the producers office on the casting couch. This car was designed for trolling along Sunset Blvd. It works.

    So I hand letter in black water color paint the side. Says, " I by housses. pay kash."

    Crude, rude and bad spelling. Got to be an idiot. People stop me want me to come to their house at once.

    I cannot stop at a coffee shop without some feline type does not start to talk about this wonderful house he has to sell.

    The Truth: I did this about five years ago on a bet. This agent told me that everybody would just ignore. Not true a lot of people stopped me wanting to do business. I was just kidding, but dear members of TCI it worked.

    Of course nowdays if somebody tried to hand letter my Ferrari, I would consider it grounds for instant execution.

    Have fun try it. On someone elses car.

    Cheers Lucius

  • pejames4th March, 2004

    It sounds worth a try!!! I dont have a ferrari, but maybe my pick up will do...I just need to find a good contrasting color for copper. Any suggestions?
    I'm in the Metro St. Louis area!! I also thought of putting a big sign in the bed of my truck and riding around on the weekends!! I might now have the courage to do it!!

  • HouseBuyerGuy4th March, 2004


  • active_re_investor9th March, 2004


    Great story! Thanks for sharing.


  • sire28th March, 2004

    I was told to watch out for this due to the fact it may make you a moving target for lawsuits. My attorney said this. I just want to know if it is worth it or if you get enough return for risk. Not trying to sound overly cousious. Any thoughts.

  • karensilver31st March, 2004

    I am a realtor and I have a magnet on my car advertising myself as a realtor and I have to say the signs work. I got a little freaked out though when my car was in my driveway and I got a call from someone outside my house. So of course now I take the signs off when I am home.

  • investorkim31st March, 2004

    we have had magnets on our cars for about a year.....and that we know of, have only had 1 call from them......a saleslady from our yellow pages trying to sell us an ad...she's pretty smart, huh?

    they are super cheap, so why not? if you get one deal from it, then it is worth it, right?

  • commercialking3rd April, 2004


    Look it costs anywhere from $2.00 (lucius's method) to $50.00 to give it a try either way, chump change. Don't ask just do it. Bottom line nobody can tell you whats going to work. Even Lucius' s luxury car method might not work in Iowa (as opposed to Hollywood). One of the problems I sometimes have around here is that everybody is asking everybody else what to do. Get some ba**s and do it-- see what hapens. As to whether you are a target for a lawsuit.... thats what they make insurance for.

  • Greta11846th April, 2004

    I have a
    "We buy houses,
    Cash or Terms"
    Call (478) 784-1685
    sign on both my truck and my van and I have receive phone calls from several people. Look at it this way, these magnets on your automobiles are like huge business cards that everyone gets to see. They really are great marketing tools. Give it a shot.
    Greta1184 [ Edited by Greta1184 on Date 04/06/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account6th April, 2004

    I use magnetic signs on both front doors and the back of my SUV. I receive about 10 calls a month and average 2-3 deals from these calls. Cheap advertising for a $75.00 investment 4 years ago.

  • jbinvestor8th April, 2004

    I just got my sign, plan on driving alot this weekend. I only bought one for my truck I'm going to place it on the tail gate

    I hear Bandit signs work very well...so I'll probably go today and have some made up and place them out on my Weekend drive.


  • InActive_Account8th April, 2004


    Wife just saw a piece on the news about excessive bandit signs in Jville, said city is going to start cracking down on them. Just a heads up.

    Bill P

  • jbinvestor8th April, 2004

    On 2004-04-08 11:32, wpruett wrote:

    Wife just saw a piece on the news about excessive bandit signs in Jville, said city is going to start cracking down on them. Just a heads up.

    Bill P

    Thanks for the heads up Bill... There are a lot of them around here (guess that's why I thought what would 5 more hurt).


  • InActive_Account8th April, 2004

    Just an Idea, if they do crack down and you start seeing less signs you may try to time it and be one of the first to start again. Don't know how long you would have to wait, sooner or later they will be on to something else. Try to get a jump on the next no-care cycle.

  • desertdweller12th April, 2004

    The car magnets also allow you to easily deduct every mile you ever put on that vehicle for business expenses!

  • samedwin13th April, 2004

    Had my signs on my car for a couple months, no call from it, yet!
    $35/pr. though. Super cheap. If I ever get 1 deal out of it it'll be well worth it.

  • learntherules25th April, 2004

    I walk the streets & network. I'll stop & chat w/someone sweeping their steps or cleaning up around the front of the house because it's usually an owner. I also look for "older" individuals because they know other "older" owners & they usually own their houses free & clear, know who passed away recently or went into a nursing home, etc..

    I say something like "I'm interested in buying in the neighborhood, do you know of anyone selling?" This usually opens the door for conversation. I leave a business card & keep in touch (say hi, happy fathers/mothers day, etc.). I've rec'd many leads this way. Just met 2 owners last night that put me in touch w/2 sellers & an individual w/$500k to invest! I'm part owner of a construction company so that was gold! Networking is a powerful marketing tool. Good luck.

  • InActive_Account22nd May, 2004

    On 2004-03-03 02:29, Jimbezy wrote:
    I think stickers work well also. This one guy runs around town with a Lifted Chevy truck with a "Sell Your house in 9 Minutes" sticker on the back window. Its big and you can clearly see it above all the other cars because the truck is soo much higher, I mean he got me to call just to see what exactly he did.
    Turns out he sells houses in a kind of auction style and the truck was his sons. Now thats a good idea, I mean if you buy your kids car, its only fare they advertise for you.

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by Jimbezy on Date 03/03/2004 ]</font>

    Jim, what do you know about the auction thing? Are they his own houses or ones he has under contract? Amy

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