Hard money lenders usually have a prequal package you can fill out prior to contracting a house and they will generally tell you where they are comfortable in loan limits with your situation. After that it is all property specific.
As Tbarber stated . . . go ahead and locate your money sources in advance. Know what they require so that you will be prepared when you locate a property. Also, you might even consider adding some private money sources to your team..
Hard money lenders usually have a prequal package you can fill out prior to contracting a house and they will generally tell you where they are comfortable in loan limits with your situation. After that it is all property specific.
Hi noblephi,
As Tbarber stated . . . go ahead and locate your money sources in advance. Know what they require so that you will be prepared when you locate a property. Also, you might even consider adding some private money sources to your team..