Hard Money Lenders?

Brand new in this website hoping someone can point me in the right direction. partner has been investing for 3 yrs buying Rehabbing Flipping. Owns about 5 houses free and clear the challange is 490 Credit score. Any suggestions on Hard Money Lenders that could help out. have been doing about 10-20 houses a month
buying @ 50-60% LTV and turning inventory in 120 Days via Wholesale/Reatail Problem is Hard Money guy took bath some stocks etc..
Thanks for any feedback.. confused


  • spolk18th February, 2004

    Try the Lenders tab at the top of this page.

  • Stockpro9918th February, 2004

    additionally one might do a gooogle search for hard money in your state.

  • jbinvestor19th February, 2004

    this is probably off the subject, but I'm a little confused about wholesaling. I thought wholesaling was getting control of a proprty without using any of your own money...buying it with a contract (much lower than the value) and then selling to a buyer (at the appraised value) using a contract and collecting the proffit. So when exactly does a hard money lender come in? Is this for buying a property that needs work, fixing it up and a few months later selling for proffit? Sorry...still learning.


  • active_re_investor20th February, 2004

    On 2004-02-15 22:57, tshults wrote:
    Brand new in this website hoping someone can point me in the right direction. partner has been investing for 3 yrs buying Rehabbing Flipping. Owns about 5 houses free and clear the challange is 490 Credit score. Any suggestions on Hard Money Lenders that could help out. have been doing about 10-20 houses a month
    buying @ 50-60% LTV and turning inventory in 120 Days via Wholesale/Reatail Problem is Hard Money guy took bath some stocks etc..
    Thanks for any feedback.. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_confused.gif">

    I am slightly confused by your message.

    Others have suggested checking on this site and google. I know three hard money lenders and one person who will partner (slightly less costly than a traditional hard money deal). Send me a private message if you want more info.


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