Hard Money Lenders And Personal Credit, What Wont Fly?
There have been several posts about HML. For those who are familiar or have used an HML, since the claims are made that personal credit is "almost" not a factor, I would like to know what type of personal credit problems would prevent a person from getting a hard money loan. I know that a majority of credit items would be case by case and vary from lender to lender. I am speaking specific NO GO's that are deal killers.
As long as the property is worth it, and they can see themselves getting their money back plus the interested, HMLs will 9 out of 10 times lend the money. I personally have never heard of it happening, but I'm sure someone out there has.
I only looked at credit if it was in front of me. Personality was of interest, as in the potential mortgagor is slick,slick,slick/ then I would take a heads up. All in all the property makes the deal. Just my .02 worth