Happy Holidays Everyone.

Whether it's Christmas, Hannakah, Kwanzaa, or any other denomination.

My family and I would like to wish you all a joyous and safe holiday


  • maw24th December, 2003

    All the best to you and yours have a great holiday season

  • tvarookieinvestor24th December, 2003

    Have a happy and safe whatever you celebrate.

  • logik24th December, 2003

    i hope everybody in my family gives me money for Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas everyone and be safe!

  • Lufos24th December, 2003

    Fellow TCI's.

    I wish you all a wonderful holiday and may you all learn to spell and of course teach me. God could I use Spell Check. I have this big heavy dictionary and then it falls and I have to find the page again.

    I am driving up to San Francisco, for a hollday with all my wife's chinese relatives who are all racist pigs. But never fear I will stick up for us Round Eyes and after the second Martini when I am once more fluent in Cantonese, I shall carry the battle of words onward and upward. God I hate it when they keep repeating and repeating "four thousand years of civilization."

    They make cracks about us living in caves and painting ourselves blue. I keep telling them we did not paint ourselves blue its was just really cold in England!

    This time I am bringing my own lamp shade. At least I know it will fit.

    Luv Lucius

  • fmmp24th December, 2003

    Happy Holidays All!

  • WheelerDealer24th December, 2003

    Whereever you go gotta take the laptop with the Wi-Fi. Wouldnt want to miss anything!!

    All be safe, get wasted indoors and sleep it off.

  • InActive_Account24th December, 2003

    From mine to yours, Merry Christmass and a Happy New and Prosperous Year!

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