Gun Clause In Lease?

Does anyone have any experience with a lease with a clause prohibiting guns on the property? My wife would like to see this written into leases for my protection as a landlord when I go to repair the properties.

It seems reasonable that this will piss some prospective tenants off.

I am interested to see what others have to say on this subject.


  • Lufos11th April, 2004

    I do not suggest it as the negative impact of such a restriction out weighs the worth of the clause.

    Of course this has been tried before, but you must remember our cultural is rather strange on the subject. Guns are OK it is knives that are the problem. Something sneeky about a knife, something manly about a gun.

    Let me give you a few tricks of the trade.

    When collecting rents in person in view of the non delivery of the check. If the client approaches you and has a gun in his hand, make no comment until he raises the gun in your direction at which time you say the following. "My god that's a collectors item! Do you know how much that is worth. Why at least $20,000, see look at the markings on the triger guard. Here let me show you right above the ring." By this time you have the weapon in your hand and of course you shoot him.

    This procedure has worked for me several times I suggest it to all rent collectors.

    cheers Lucius

  • curtbixel11th April, 2004

    Thank you Lucius,

    I will also pass that advice onto one of my friends in the automobile repossession business. Last time he had a gun pulled on him he said, "Fine buddy, I'll leave now, but you've gotta sleep sometime."

    I think your method has several advantages, one of which is avoiding lead poisoning.

  • NancyChadwick11th April, 2004


    It's not too late for you to plead that you weren't Mirandized before confessing in your post to having committed multiple homicides. Self-defense not an available defense but perhaps temporary (or permanent) insanity from spending too much time in confined spaces.

  • JohnMerchant12th April, 2004

    On a little more serious note, just remember the law abiding gun owner is the only one who's going to be deterred by such a clause...and the law breaker, whom you really should fear, will pay no attention whatever to such a restriction.

    I think I'd side with Barney Zick in this area. As he says, the LL should carry at least as big a gun as his tenants are going to have

  • commercialking12th April, 2004

    The way to handle this, if you really want to have such a provision is to have a paragraph which prohibts keeping hazardous materials in the apartment. Paint thinner, gasoline, explosives, firearms, etc. List the guns as part of a larger list.

    Like the others I doubt that it is going to protect the LL at all. But it will make the wife feel better and when mama ain't happy aint nobody happy.

  • melissa15th April, 2004

    Some people want to make the possession of guns illegal in this country.

    (I've talked to some people who are surprised to know it is illegal to possess a firearm -any firearm - in the city of chicago - even in your own home)

    I think this is extreme.

    I think they should just outlaw crime.

    Likewise, you should put a clause in your lease stating that you prohibit crime on your property. Therefore, if the tenant possesses a firearm and they shoot you, they have just violated your lease, and now you have justification for evicting them.

  • j_owley15th April, 2004

    she means if you are still alive


  • kenmax15th April, 2004

    a restriction in a lease agreement isn't keep anyone from "hiding" a gun on the prems. but it can only help. c/k's suggestion is the best way to include the provision.

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