Guidance Credit Line

Has anyone ever heard of having a guidance line of credit? If so, what is a guidance line, and what the steps of obtaining such credit?

I guy in my area, is using his, and he is buying property 2-3 per month.


  • jim7out4th December, 2006

    Anyone who knows what this is, please post more info, I would like to know about this also

  • investormom5th December, 2006

    Thanks. I have learned a little more about notes since this posted. It sounds like if I am a lender who creates the note on a purchase or refi then I can sell it on the back-end at a discount for cash. Is this correct? What is the difference between buying notes and brokering notes?

  • apexnotes6th December, 2006

    The difference in buying is acting as the investor. Most investors are tied up with different pursuits (sometimes business, sometimes leisure), so many have brokers that they rely on to seek out the notes, collect and filter the information and then [rice out the note.

  • investormom6th December, 2006

    Thanks for taking time to respond.

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