Greenspan Speaks! 1 More Reason To Get Involved In RE!

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Greenspan Urges Social Security Cuts to Help Deficit
Baby Boom Generation Becomes Eligible for Benefits In Just Four Years

WASHINGTON (Feb. 26) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, stepping into the politically charged debate over Social Security, said Wednesday the country can't afford the benefits currently promised to the baby boom generation.

Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan

He urged Congress to trim those benefits to get control of soaring budget deficits, which he said threatened a ''very debilitating'' rise in interest rates in coming years.

Democratic presidential candidates denounced his proposals, and President Bush and other Republicans sought to distance themselves from the Republican Greenspan.

The central bank chairman also repeated his view that Bush's tax cuts should be made permanent to bolster economic growth. He said the estimated $1 trillion cost should be paid for, preferably, with spending cuts so the deficit would not be worsened.

As for specifics on trimming Social Security, Greenspan told the House Budget Committee that one possibility would be to switch to an alternative measure of inflation for annual cost-of-living adjustments. Instead of relying on the Consumer Price Index, he suggested switching to a new chain-weighted CPI that gives lower inflation readings and thus would mean smaller payment increases.

Advocating Cuts

Broadband Only
Greenspan's Statement

Greenspan, who turns 78 next week, also suggested tying the retirement age for full benefits to longer lifespans with the age continuing to rise. The 65-year age for retiring at full benefits started increasing last year and now stands at 65 years and four months. It will increase to 67 over the next two decades and then stop rising.

Greenspan said his comments simply voiced views he has held since he chaired a blue-ribbon commission two decades ago. But the remarks set off a political storm.

Democratic front-runner Sen. John Kerry said the way to address the deficit was to roll back tax cuts for the wealthy and ''the wrong way to cut the deficit is to cut Social Security benefits. If I'm president, we're simply not going to do it.''

Sen. John Edwards, www.D-N.C., called it ''an outrage' for Greenspan to call for cuts in Social Security while at the same time endorsing making Bush's tax cuts permanent. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, went even further and called for Greenspan to resign as Fed chairman, saying his comments were ''a disgrace.''

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Bush said Social Security benefits ''should not be changed for people at or near retirement.''

Underscoring the view that Congress is not about to touch Greenspan's suggestions, especially in an election year, Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert was asked to comment on the proposals and replied only, ''He's a fine man.''

In his testimony before the Budget Committee, Greenspan said the current deficit situation, with projected record red ink of $521 billion this year, will worsen dramatically once the 77 million members of the baby boom generation start becoming eligible for Social Security benefits in just four years.

He said projections show the country will go from having just over three workers supporting each retiree to 2.25 workers for every retiree by 2025.

''This dramatic demographic change is certain to place enormous demands on our nation's resources - demands we will almost surely be unable to meet unless action is taken,'' Greenspan said. ''For a variety of reasons, that action is better taken as soon as possible.''

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He said taking action now would mean that people still working would have time to adjust their retirement savings plans to deal with smaller Social Security benefits.

Greenspan said at some point the country needed to face the fact that the government has promised more in entitlement benefits than it can afford to pay. He said the problem was even worse for Medicare because it was impossible to estimate what types of costly medical advances will be available in coming years.

He did not mention that Congress late last year, at Bush's urging, adopted a new prescription drug benefit as part of a Medicare overhaul now estimated to cost $540 billion over the next decade.

''I am just basically saying that we are overcommitted at this stage,'' Greenspan said in response to committee questions. ''It is important that we tell people who are about to retire what it is they will have.'' He warned that the government should not ''promise more than we are able to deliver.''

While the country is currently enjoying the lowest interest rates in more than four decades, Greenspan warned that financial markets will begin pushing long-term rates higher if investors do not see progress in dealing with the projected huge deficits that will occur once baby boomers begin retiring.

As he has in the past, Greenspan called on Congress to reinstitute rules that require any future tax cuts or spending increases to be paid for either by spending cuts in other areas or increases in other taxes. Bush has called for the rules to cover only spending increases, not tax cuts.

02-25-04 1709EST

He's talkin social security cuts, etc.
Said on the news that in 2017, unless something is done, the government will have to borrow money to pay for SS benefits.
I don't know about you but most I know who are retired or are going to be retiring are already struggling to get by. I am young enough to realize all of this but I would encourage everyone to keep Pressin In And Pressin On!
Do something to grow your wealth!
Whether its Real Estate or whatever.
Most of us are here because we are looking for more out of life (via RE investments).
Take advantage of this site, the people giving advice, and all the helpful info you can obtain by just spending a little time in front of the computer. Lets get out there and make it happen! Congratulations to those who have and keep at it for those that are trying to!
You will succeed! Just remember that failure is not an option!

[ Edited by HouseBuyerGuy on Date 02/25/2004 ][ Edited by HouseBuyerGuy on Date 02/25/2004 ]


  • hibby7625th February, 2004

    Copy and paste the article into the body of your post. You need to be an AOL user to view that article.

  • InActive_Account25th February, 2004

    I agree REI is a way for people to replace their dependence on social security. People in the future need to take more resposibility for their retirement. Even though I pay the maximum social security tax each year. I plan to donate my social security to an organization who helps seniors pay utility bills. My retirement is secure.

  • classimg26th February, 2004

    Solution: Can you L/O an island without ANY US government control/influence and receive monthly rental payments as the landlord/developer?


    Eric & Rosa

  • Ruman26th February, 2004

    It's always amazed me to look at all of the people that retire broke. It is almost saddening. I also think it is insulting that people say tax cuts should go to the poor, and the rich should pay more. So the harder I work, the more they take? The rich generally work hard or work smart. One extreme example, Bill Gates, I'm sure he works more than a normal 40 hour work week to get what he has. The stress of lawsuits, working his ass off, etc. But then the 30 year old guy that won't get a job should get all of these benefits that I have to pay for. Then when they realize at 45 that they actually need to get their life together, it's too late. Plan ahead early and you can still have plenty of fun along the way.

  • diatribe27th February, 2004

    I think the answers are clear.

    Defeat Bush AGAIN in 2004.

  • monkfish27th February, 2004

    For me, this is a non-issue.

    At age 34, I have no illusions about SS benefits.

    Their have been plenty of warnings about SS being extinct by the time people of my age group or younger reach retirement.

    I heed those warnings.

    I invest prudently, with an eye on retirement.

    And REI is a major part of my portfolio.

  • HouseBuyerGuy27th February, 2004

    Monkfish, love your quote at the bottom of your post, so true......

  • JamesStreet27th February, 2004

    Hey House,

    Greenspan has some big balls taken on the babyboomers. He said what most of us 30 somethings know to be true. I have and never will believe that SS will be there for me. I did notice however that every Politician ran for the hills to make sure they keep their jobs. All I want him to do is keep intrest rates low for the short term.

    One thing I am glad for is a that cut in capital gains.... Heck I am happy with the tax cuts because in another year I hope to be the rich guy everyone thinks gets the break....... <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> Have a great day.[ Edited by JamesStreet on Date 02/27/2004 ]

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