Graduate Student -- John Beck's Program?!

Hello everybody. I am a newbie to this forum as well. I just found it on the internet last night at around 3am so I am kind of tired. But I am a graduate student at the University of Florida (Gators) in Gainesville Florida and I have been hearing alot about how you can buy properties and houses for literally pennies on the dollar. This sounds almost too good to be true. But my minor at the university is in real estate and I could REALLY use some positive cash flow to help me out with my bills. Anyway, I heard from a friend that there's ways to purchases houses by paying out the back taxes from anywhere from $50 and up. I couldn't believe what he was saying but he told me that someone in his family does it. They buy a property for say $10 or $15 and then turn around and sell it for $1500+. Also, he said the houses that they buy for around $300-900 average end up getting sold from them for around $30k+ as well. I've been trying to kind a way to make some money to help out with school and I found one program by a 'John Beck' and was wondering if what he says on television is true (the returns you'll get and how easy it is to do). I would GREATLY appreciate anybody could give me. Thanks in advance.



  • JohnLocke7th December, 2002


    Glad to meet you.

    Your question if for the one, the only, Ronald * Starr (inNoCA), I personally feel he knows more about this type of investing than anyone out there in message board land.

    Mr. Starr does not sell a course, he enjoys helping posters, tell him $Cash$ sent you.

    His email address:

    Welcome on board this board, hope this info helps you.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • RonaldStarr7th December, 2002

    Graduate Student**(FL)**************

    What your friend's family member does is certainly possible. It is not as easy as it looks, but it is definately possible to make very good deals buying properties on the tax auctions or by buying tax certificates and then acquiring the properties.

    I'm not sure it would help you as you are looking for very immediate help. In general, you must expect it to take a few months to become familiar with the techniques and find some county/counties in which to apply them. Then, it may take a few more months for you to be getting money in from reselling properties. But, if you are already familiar with real estate and investing in real estate, you may be able to do it faster than I have indicated.

    I do recommend John Beck's "Free and Clear" program which you can order from his website at for something like $53 total. It has information for every state, possession, and territory of the USA and the providences of Canada. For the amount of information you get, it is a super-bargain price.

    The infomercial is somewhat misleading. Yes, John has bought thousands of proerties through the delinquent propety tax collection process. However, most have been vacant land. The advertisement makes it seem that he has bought thousands of houses. Not true. Although he has gotten a few.

    Also, those pictures that John shows of houses bought through delinquent property tax procedures may not have been as nice when they were bought as when he took the pictures. Remember, they were bought by an investor who rented them out or resold them. Probably rented them out. He probably had to fix them up to make them rentable.

    At least that is my experience buying tax resale properties in OK, the same state as where those pictures were taken.

    Most properties with delinquent taxes will be vacant lots or vacant land. Most of the improved properties will be redeemed and you will not get deeds to them. Especially the nicer properties. It takes a lot of effort to find the few nice properties that can be acquired with deeds.

    It will require many hours of research work in the county records and driving around looking at properties to make great deals. Perhaps, being a graduate student, this will suit you.

    You might find that you can buy properties from counties or other taxing entities after the tax sale process has run the course and then resell them for nice profits. But I'm not sure how easy that will be in FL. There is a book on buying properties through the delinquent property taxes collection process for just FL. Last I knew it was being sold by Jimmy Napier of Chipley, FL, near Panama City. The title was something like "land Robbery" or "Stealing properties" or something unappetizing.

    Good Investing*************Ron Star*************

  • Benp8th December, 2002

    Ronald I appreciate your prompt and informational reply. I will take what you said into consideration and will research some more on this matter. You've been a great deal of help. Thanks a bunch.

  • cofield20712th January, 2005

    I have heard a lot about the John Beck program. My mother works with a gentlemen who followed this particular program for years, and the benefits are lovely. He bought a house for $900 and decided to live in the house for a while. Over time, he made some minor repairs to it, then sold it for $46,900. He also bought a house for $1500 and sold it "AS IS" for $37,200. I just ordered my package from John Beck and should receive it this week!

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