Got Pulled Over Tonight Putting Out Bandit Signs (TX)

I had just nailed one up on a telephone pole and started driving when the police man lit me up. I pulled over, got my license and registrations ready for him. When he gets to my truck he askes if these are my signs or if I'm being paid to put them out. I said their mine. He then asks if I buy mobile homes, and tells me he has an ucle who is about to loose his and wanted to know if I'd be interested. I told him for around 3 grand I would be. He got my number and said he'd call. He never checked anything. I'm glad anytime my signs generate a lead, I much prefer when they call on the phone though. I thought that was pretty funny.


  • classimg9th February, 2004

    That made us giggle!

    Eric & Rosa

  • kingmonkey9th February, 2004

    Dude, if the guy calls you that'll be the first time I've ever heard of someone MAKING money by being pulled over instead of paying! Hope it works out man!


  • Tedjr9th February, 2004

    When I read the headline i had visions of you eating cold pork chops from a brown bag and a cup of pudding behind bars in line for a strip search. Glad that did not happen.

    Good LUCK and Thank You

    Ted Jr

  • norrist9th February, 2004

    That is awesome. I hope he calls you, it would make for a pretty good testimonial.

  • rjs93529th February, 2004

    That's pretty funny...You know I've never heard of someone getting pulled over by the police and being given a ticket for bandit signs, and I've heard of a handful of people that have gotten pulled over. I hope this one turns out good for ya!

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • RunningQ9th February, 2004

    That is too funny...reminds me a bit of the the rooftop scene from "Shawshank Redemption" where the Ray is telling the guard about how he can save him money while the guard is starting to throw him off....

    Keep us posted...


  • ddemott9th February, 2004

    Too funny! Good Luck!

  • InActive_Account9th February, 2004

    I had two thoughts simultaeously-a first.
    One was why is he being pulled over? This is not public property this pole belongs to the utility people. The other was that you were about to learn why they call jail the "pokey".

    I think I'd have bought the trailer on the spot.

    This is a good one.

  • rjs93529th February, 2004

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you said the pole is NOT public property. From the ordinances I've seen in most towns, cities, etc. there is nothing to be place in the "right of way". Basically they don't want ugly street signs on the poles. There's even an organization against this, check out CAUSS. Do a google search and you'll find it. Cops will pull you over if it looks like you are doing something you should not be doing. Or if your car is on the side of the road at 1am when it's dark out and it's hard to see what is going on. From what I've heard they usually don't give a p00p as long as you're nice. "Oh no Mr. Officer, I didn't know that I'm not supposed to put these up. I won't put any more up."

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • Gonzo11th February, 2004

    That was good. You had me at first.

    I hope he calls you.

    Good luck


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