Got My Taxes Done. THANKS John Locke

umm, since Ive met John Locke,
Ive made right at a $100,000.00
( In May it will be 1 year.)

$1,795.00 weekend workshop
$149.00 sub-to book
$49.00 bird-dog book
$175.00 airplane ticket
$200.00 room
( My Dad said it was a waste of money buying John"s book. I just loaned my Dad $25,000.00. he doesnt say crapp, now)

Rock and Roll.


  • vlynn0071st February, 2004

    Thanks for the inspiration dataattack. I am determined to make this happen.

    Carpe Diem,


  • mjdreal2nd February, 2004

    Dude what a great post thank you THAT was motivational,,And funny,,only because my dad is the same way,,that made me feel like thanking John Locke to,,Matt [ Edited by mjdreal on Date 02/02/2004 ]

  • Neill72nd February, 2004

    Good for you "Attack".

    That's gotta feel good.


  • InActive_Account2nd February, 2004

    I agree if you listen to all the negative people you will never start. Most tell you "It will not work in your town" or "Oh you are just taking advantage of peoples misfortune". Listening to negative people has caused many a beginner never to start. Congradulations on having the courage to start.

  • dataattack2nd February, 2004

    yes yes yes...
    and remember people, Im just a regular guy. 4 years of Marine corps, no college.
    I just got tired of living hand to mouth.
    ( well I still live hand to mouth, but my hands and mouth are much bigger now.)

    if you try it, it will work.

  • OnTheWater2nd February, 2004

    Gives me a woody -can I write that?-!



  • who_me2nd February, 2004


    That is awesome, great motivation.

    If you don't mind me many deals was this?

  • jackman2nd February, 2004

    rock on data ...

    and try to never even think of the people that knocked you in the process (especially your dad). some people just aren't wired to know anything other than the way they've done it. just love them and move on. haha. it's hard, but it serves no purpose - even for a simple feel good "HA" in thier face.

    much respect to you!

  • scr20012nd February, 2004


    How many letter where you sending per week or Month to potential seler? Or did you use another method to farm the leads?

  • omega12nd February, 2004

    Tombs up dataattack, keep on going!

  • dataattack2nd February, 2004

    How many letter where you sending per week or Month to potential seler? Or did you use another method to farm the leads?

    Some drink, some play golf, I find distressed sellers.

    I send approx 50 letters a week, and the company now buys 1 a property week. ( average)

    Data Attack .com

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