Good MLS Search Site

I'm looking for a single MLS search site that will show the listing agent information, days on market as well as to be able to search by MLS, address, days on market, etc.

Any sites people have found to be helpful for this?




  • nbhomes3rd December, 2004

    Here in cincinnati, the mls reserves those special features for Realtors. For us, It only shows active and pending properties, so if you need comps, you need to call your realtor. you can however search by listing agents name to pull up thier listings. btw. cincinnati's web address is

  • InActive_Account3rd December, 2004


    Thanks. There are several sites that I've found that have quite a bit of MLS info, but not the as much as I'm looking for.



  • nbhomes3rd December, 2004

    Depending on your use, sometimes MLS will grant membership to these services to non realtors. They are picky on the use though. I talked to them about 10 years ago about a new company I was starting, sort of a referral service for realtors. They said it wasn't out of the question.
    I'm not sure what your use would be, but it's worth makeing a phone call to your local mls.

  • ray_higdon3rd December, 2004

    I made friends with a property appraiser who had access and he shared his account info. He has no interest in me going through him to see stuff on the MLS so it wasn't that big a deal.

    Just sharing one creative way to get access smile


  • kenmax19th December, 2004 is a good site. has as much detail as you can get without "agent"

  • kenmax19th December, 2004 doesn't have as good of info detail but the pictures are great. i can look at the pictures and see if it is a "canidate" or not and save alot of

  • monkfish20th December, 2004

    Zip realty is my preferred site.

    It has everything you're looking for, from listing agent to pics, to addresses, to rents, etc.

  • ddstew20th December, 2004

    The site does not exist...

  • JohnMichael20th December, 2004

    On 2004-12-20 12:24, ddstew wrote:
    The site does not exist...

    Just a simple typo try

    Thinking out of the box saves time and brings success!

  • newandinterested20th December, 2004

    That's because he forgot the 't' in the URL.

  • JohnMichael21st December, 2004

    Real Estate Comparables
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    Go to

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