Good Letters To Solicit REO Managers With.

Hello Party People

I have a top notch list with all the available connects I want to get in contact with at many REO departments. I just need pointers on how to present my self to them.


  • JohnMichael2nd January, 2005


    From my experience I have found that direct mail campaigns do not work well with "REO" Real Estate Owned or Loss Mitigation Managers.

    I have found that a personal visit or if a personal visit is not possible that a phone call followed by a fax or mail follow up letter per our conversation works best.

    By the way love your extra info statement in your profile, so many focus on the money side of investing and they have to work twice as hard. True investing is helping others; making sound offers and understanding money is just a benefit of real estate investing.

  • connections12th January, 2005

    I have a letter from the Dave Lindahl Apartment Riches program. He sends it to them first telling them who he is and why he is contacting them . Then he tells them he will be calling on whatever day. That way they know ahead of time and when you call you can say he's expecting my call. I just sent my first one this week , i always just called in the past but I think this might work better.

  • bigdredd18th January, 2005

    can i have the letter please send it to **Please See My Profile**

  • corbint4th May, 2005

    hi, could i get a copy of the letter as well?

  • norrist4th May, 2005

    either that or a "sales tactic" to call the attorney...

  • gfinney774th May, 2005

    Thats kind of what I thought. If these Taxes get paid before the foreclosure date should I have anything to worry about?

  • tlets14th May, 2005

    I know that in some states that may be true but I would check with an attorney in your area. I know that in Connecticut after the tax sale then they are given a lien with a 1 year tight of redemption and if the person brings it current along with a certain interest rate compounded monthly then they can get their house back. Not that its so bad because the rate of return in that time is something like 12% anually. I would definately check with a lawyer

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