Good Courses

I am really interested in getting started in wholesaling. I have read some books but they just give you a little information, and leave you not really knowing where to start. I heard Steve Cook's book about wholesaling is really good and has a lot of information in it. Does anybody know about this book or any other good books that actually give me enough info to actually get started.


  • writergig8th January, 2005

    I know you don't want to hear this, but there is plenty of info right on this thread. Many great minds at work here.

    I'm mainly a commercial investor, but have just put together a wholesale residential deal with a new partner.

    Wholesaling is not rocket science. The key is finding the right property and taking control of it. Most investors use purchase contracts but you can use options too.

    Then, you find a buyer. Either another investor/rehabber of a retail buyer who will do their own work.

    Then close the deal. Assign it to the buyer or do a double closing.

    What's tripping you up? Maybe if you ask specific questions, rather than looking for a book, we can help...


  • mattfish118th January, 2005

    Steve Cook's book is pretty good - I've read it a couple of times... He has some good contracts that you can take to an attorney and they will review for you - but for the most part are good... I recommend it for the beginner... What I recommed even more is going out and start prospecting for leads...

    Good Luck!

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