Good Article On A Sub-to Predator

Don't be like this guy.

Run your business and your life with integrity


  • mur30th December, 2003

    Mr Byrd is a DOG's dog

  • shikely30th December, 2003

    What an ANIMAL. It's people like that Byrd character that spoil things for us good, straight-up, hard working folk that just want to create a better life for ourselves and families by actually HELPING people with real estate issues.

    I'm disgusted to the point of being sick!!!

  • pejames30th December, 2003

    On 2003-12-30 11:50, mcl8190 wrote:
    Don't be like this guy.

    Run your business and your life with integrity

    "Truer words were never spoken.
    Without intergity, I am nothing!"
    That guy is quite a trick. Not something I choose to associate with my REI.

  • InActive_Account30th December, 2003

    If you are honest the thing to take away from that article is: DISCLOSURE!

    If you have nothing to hide, get it out in the open and signed by both parties, disclose everything that you think might ever come back to bite you.

    If there is something you don't want to tell the seller because it might hamper your deal then maybe you shouldn't be making the deal with them.

    I think with more and more attention being given to these predators a lot of honest investors are going to run the risk of being painted with the same brush just for being associated with the process. If you want to stay squeeky clean and have nothing to worry about, do everything you can to get it in writing from your seller that they understand exactly what they are doing and what they are signing.

  • pejames30th December, 2003

    I I never tell my people I can fix their problems. I tell them I will see if I can. I also make sure they are clear with that before I proceed any further. I am contemplating putting that in a letter for them to sign before I start doing anything and give them a copy of it for their own records.. CYA!

  • jeff1200230th December, 2003

    That guy was a real piece of work. "What a mess!"

  • nlsecor30th December, 2003

    What is amazing is the tools he had at his disposal and still felt it necessary to lie, steal, cheat, and swindle. he was obviously very smart. I almost feel sorry for him. So much potential and yet so worthless.

    Make others better off for knowing you and the world will be at your feet.

  • norrist30th December, 2003

    nlsecor is right on the money. If only people like Byrd would "use their power for good instead of evil", we'd all be better for it. It probably takes at least 1/2 the effort to do it "the right way".

  • Ladybug31st December, 2003

    After reading the article, I am just amazed that he is not a "Jailbyrd" yet!


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