Getting The Deed

Does anyone out there have a reasonable script example for getting the deed? Everyone says just go get it, however, I am sure there are things to say and things to avoid saying to be successful. It is a little frustrating when the gurus say "just go get it" as everyone does not have the same experience level. I am ready, willing, & able with a little direction. Thanks for any help, I am another newbie.


  • Lufos3rd April, 2004

    Dear Zenobia,

    To as you put it, "get the deed."

    First you have the deed typed out and ready to go. All names inserted and you have already negotiated whatever considerations are to be given. Money, Notes, handshakes, love and kisses, my favorite. whatever.

    You walk up to the person, you smile and you say."Here is the notary, he will notarize your signature which you wil sign." You then take your finger and place it on the line which is to be signed.
    You smile and hand them a pen. Be sure the pen has nice black ink in it and also that it works.

    The deed is then signed. You then continue on your normal every day business.

    Prior to the signing all items have been covered and that is that. Here in semi sunny California, I do all of these things in an escrow company office. The escrow officer is usualy also a notary.

    It is my belief that you terminate the meeting as rapidly as you can and I sometimes go back to the dwelling and I may get one more walk through. Of course in many instance I have arranged the moving of the party out of the property and sometimes I have also arranged their next place of housing. I have a problem leaving people standing there with no particular place to go. Probably my early poverty striken youth.

    Thats it. Do not make too big a thing of it. Make it just a normal everyday thing that occurs and move on.

    Things assume importance and there is lots of secondary considerations when you focus too intently upon one particular thing. Avoid it, make it just a casual item of the day.

    I hope this is helpful. Worked for me. Lucius 8-) 8-)

  • Zenobia795th April, 2004

    Thank you for your response. I did what you said, got the deed, only to have the bank refuse to stop the sale. I will destroy this notarized information and count it up to experience.

    I have not yet begun to fight.


  • commercialking5th April, 2004

    Ok so you got the deed, what did you think the bank was going to do? Did you have a plan for stalling the sale if they were not co-operative? You can walk if you wish but it looks early to me.

  • Zenobia795th April, 2004

    In Texas we have a 21 day window. I was hoping they would allow me to delay the sale and get the short sale package. The person came to me last minute. The sale is this week. The seller was not willing to file any kind of bankruptcy to stop the sale and that is the only way they were willing to do it. I needed the experience and at least I now know it can be done. As I move forward, I will be contacting you if you don't mind. rolleyes

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