Getting The Amt Of $ Prop. Was Sold For @ Auction

Can anyone tell me where i can find out the amt of money the loan co resold my property for after the trustee sale? For that matter how do i get any information about property like liens, taxes etc...O'h and one more If the property went to the loan co and they sell it for more than is owed on the loan, do they keep the money over the amt or do they have to give it to me? (just hoping)lol


  • lp128th August, 2003

    one way is to check public records after the deed gets recorded,as to your second part of your question once the bank takes over and sells any excess you wouldnt not get. unless the winning bidder at auction overbids the amount owed, then you would be entitled to any surplus, provided they are no other judgement creditors next in line to put a claim in.

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