Getting Started

How do you suggest I find investors in my area to help me learn the ropes?


  • ray_higdon11th August, 2004

    Look in the classified section, or if you get a pennysaver look under real estate-sale

  • kenmax11th August, 2004

    find your area rei club....kenmax

  • nicolehackett11th August, 2004

    which area of real estate would you suggest wolud be easier to start out with in the real estate business? I am not looking for a cake walk don't get me wrong but there are so many different avenues that one could take that it seems a little overwhelming.

  • kenmax11th August, 2004

    be glad that there are so many choices. you will have to read and investigate the different areas. what i like you may not. the more you read the more you will understand. for me one of the best area is rehabb. but you have to have knowledge of repairing homes. i change with about every home. from rehabb. to wholesale to flipping to f/c whatever the best deal is at the time for me it keeps it interesting.......kenmax[ Edited by kenmax on Date 08/11/2004 ]

  • j_owley11th August, 2004

    it is simply amazing how many people want it now and quick with out home work, time, or effort.

    any business take time to make it work, research to see what makes sence, and what some of the best opportunities may be

    you will reap what you sow

  • nicolehackett12th August, 2004

    j howley, I am not trying to get into this profession without wanting to do any homework or work. I know what it is like to work hard after spending the last nine years in the military. I was simply asking what the best avenue to start out with as a new person with very little experience. You have to crawl before you walk. And as a christian I know all about reaping what you sow. We should respond to each other with respect not sarcasm which is what I find some people doing to each other in these forums. Thank you.

  • ray_higdon12th August, 2004

    BTW, I would not learn first from investors, learn first from books so you are knowledgable when you start talking to investors. Most investors I have talked to have not knocked me over with their strategies, this forum is by far the best locale for smart investors that I have found.

  • festival12th August, 2004

    I started with a duplex. If one side is empty, still getting some cash flow to cover part of mortgage from other side (Or you could live in half and offset with rent from other). Being landlord, you will have to do repairs and prep between renters - lets you learn on the job (do I like rehabbing, management, etc.) Go to a rental property and try and get owners name from renters - do some networking. And lots of reading. Good luck.

  • nicolehackett13th August, 2004

    Hey www.Festival.Thanks for the advice. I do read alot. Any good suggestions on real estate books? How did you purchase your duplex?[ Edited by nicolehackett on Date 08/13/2004 ]

  • bnorton13th August, 2004


    It really depends on where you are in life, and what resources you have available to you. I help many first timers in the Baltimore Washington area, and generally what I recommend is to get paid to learn. Basically, starting out as a BirdDog, or Wholesaler, you can build relationships with other investors who can teach you more. You can get some really good information at Click on the link that says, "Just Getting Started?"

  • kenmax13th August, 2004

    you do rehabing for rental prop. maybe you should explore rehabbing for resell. i rehabbs. and enjoy doing them ....kenmax

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