Getting Started

Hi All,

A lady friend of mine refered this site to me and I must say that I am impressed with the vast amount of information thats here.

I have read a total of two books....."The Millionaire Landlord" and "Making money with small income properties". I'm basically sold on the fact that I want to be a landlord and I also want to flip as well.

My question I pose to you all is how should I get started? What are some of the things some of you have experienced in the beginning?

I'd also appreciate any processes that are effective that I could implement



  • Dreamin14th January, 2004

    Try clicking the articles tab above and browse there.
    There are many postings of how tos and various subjects. You can go to the search box above and put in just the "word" or 'Words" on the subject you are interested in as well. There are tons of how do I get started posting in this forum too.
    Your stumbling blocks in the begining will be Fear, Procrastination and self-doubt. If you deal with these you'll be mostly there.
    Really, browse the articles section of this website, print a bunch of stuff out to read but most of all go out and DO.
    The how tos and problems are very varied on individuals and location of where they are.
    Great to see you join our ranks, and Best of results in you endevors!

  • tall_individual14th January, 2004

    Thanks for the info.......I'm a true novice at this and want to learn the ins and outs of this business.

    I'm off to the Article Section

  • loanwizard14th January, 2004

    Try this article:

    Good luck,

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