Getting Started....

Hey there again guys.. I have heard ugly rumors that the interest rate will be going up very soon.. so here's my question.. I am considering waiting for a few more months to get up and going.. however I could probably do it now.. so am I better off to wait and have more cash built up.. or am I better off to buy in now while the interest rate is still low.. Also I am considering buying Carleton Sheet's it worth $300? Will it help me find me where to look.. Any suggestions on where to start looking?? Is there anyone out there with the sheet's program who has seen it and might be able to save me some cash??
I just can't afford to make a large mistake on the first one..


  • bgimic2nd May, 2004

    no one has any comments?

  • dlitedan6th May, 2004

    I'm not sure about the interest rate but I do have some experince with carlton sheets program. I bought it about 5 years a go and I actually bought my first house with no money down(owner occupied) 1 year after I owned it. I bought my house for my family and I for 100k and I just had an offer and am going to close at the end of the month selling it for 165k. not too shabby. I really credit carltons program for inspiring me to invest in real estate and I did use a few of his suggestions, but ...His claim on buying real estate with no money down and no credit maybe can be done ,but it can not be done everywhere like he says. Investing is REALLY going to depend on WHEREyou are investing at. for example if you invest in a town where people are buying up houses left and right for whatever reason, you are not going to be able to go in and make an offer on a house with no money down and have the seller pay your closing costs and some owner financing(these are a few ways that can help you get a no money down purchase) when 5 other people are waiting in line behind you with full price offers and have all the financing and closing cost money to buy. But carlton does not tell you that, you will learn that the hard way. and when I first bought the program I did not have very good credit and zero extra cash and I could not buy an investment property no matter how hard I tried. now 5 years later I am closing on my first single family investment property with pretty good credit(FICO middle score of around 700) and am only putting 5 percent down. So to make a long story short would I of boughten carltons program all over again? yes I would, but back then it was 200 dollars and I got a friend to split it with me and I didnt have access to a website like this where you can learn more than with his program. PM me anytime and good luck.

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