Getting Started With Tax Leins

Hello everyone. My name is Jamal and I also have purchased John Becks free and clear. I have researched some counties and am intrested in investing in som leins in arizona. I have expressed my intrest in this to my friends and they are non belivers. I want to make them belivers, because i am. Where i get lost is in teh redemption periods. They all differ which makes me question how liquid this investment can be. I would like to get started, and start running if you feel me. My questions are; How does one determine what the proper redemption time is? Also if Tax leins are deeded to the state and these taxes are paid does that give me the property free and clear? I look forward to your post and will check this forum tomorrow. please reply and Thank You for giving me hope again. I look forward to financial freedom.

Jamal aka JBoogie


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