Getting Started (please Read)

I want to get started scouting and just sent my ad to the local newspaper. I just, however, read and article that said please don't say you are a bird dog unless you have already hit the streets and have properties. I am confused! I have to hit the streets first (already done) and have properties (not done) before I talk to investors? I would like to talk to investors first and let them know of my intention and see what they require from a bird dog before I waste my time and theirs with info they do not want or worse case be missing info they want. I don't mean to sound hostile, I am just wondering if I am missing a greater point. I would welcome any and all views on this subject. By the way my area is Eastern North Carolina. confused


  • killenjw27th September, 2003

    Also, I have every intention of getting Mr. Locke's book on birddogging. I have heard great things about it.

  • wholesaler27th September, 2003

    What is mr. locke's book? can you get it online? Thanks

  • webuyproperties27th September, 2003

    In my humble opinion, you would not need to have properties. I would suggest you to find some investors, and then tailor your searches to what they want.
    Some investors will want terms and others may want properties that are discounted from the FMV.
    Good luck and happy investing

  • killenjw27th September, 2003

    Mr. Locke's book is $48 and you can find it by clicking on the shop tab at the top of the screen and going under Ebooks or type in Locke at the Author search. Bird Dogging is clearly stated in the title.

  • wholesaler28th September, 2003

    Do you guys know what kind of earnings to expect from investors when bird-dogging for them on a regular basis? Just curious as to what the average or norm may be. Thanks again.

  • Cathy28th September, 2003

    Hi Killenjw,

    I saw that message too. I think the person who wrote it meant, that you should have an understanding on birddogging first and at least be doing something out there to get started. I'm a bird dog and I have to know what the investors want before I present a home to them. They don't all want the same. Just like Derek said "find some investors, and then tailor your searches to what they want."

    P.S. The bird dog book does help alot. Think of this as a small investment in your future.

  • killenjw28th September, 2003

    Thanks Cathy,

    I went out today and I found how easy it is to really locate properties that aren't on the market yet. I found 3 in about an hour. Well my wife spotted the first 2. Ha. I talked to the neighbors on 2 of them and found out a lot of information just by talking to them. I hope my ad in the paper brings some investors my way. I think I may get very good at this.

  • wholesaler28th September, 2003

    Hi Killen,

    Are you a bird-dog? If so, what is the best way to get started doing it, in your opinion? thanks for the advice.

  • killenjw28th September, 2003

    I cannot call myself a bird dog just yet. I have located a few properties but I have not made any deals with any investors just yet. I am trying to figure out exactly how this works myself.

  • jackman28th September, 2003


    definitely choose investors first. it is very easy to find properties - and you're correct, talking to neighbors tells you so much about a place. but try to then see if you can find the owners and see if they're willing or wanting to sell.

    if you find investors, see what they want so you don't waste your own time. i got into birddogging because i don't have the credit or cash to get right into investing, but i've never found 1 investor from tci who was actually willing to get moving with me. i found plenty of nice people tho. i do title work, so i can really provide good info. so as a result, i've just channeled my energy to trying to find investors so i can buy the properties myself (my real goal anyway). most don't want to set a contract with you or aren't really ready with money or something. it gets discouraging, but keep plugging away and i wish you more luck than i had!

  • gene076329th September, 2003

    I made that post.. i know from experence investors that are real investors who do buy property. are to busy every newbie calling asking questions you should all ready know what they want from research and learning your area. a good deal is a good deal. Let me ask you a question would you invest large sums of money with someone who dont know what to ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** am sorry people are being misled that this business is easy its not.

  • thomasgsweat29th September, 2003

    Finding properties is easy. Finding motivated sellers is not as easy.

    You have to find leads on deals, not properties.

  • gene076329th September, 2003

    your right . I couldnt said it better myself.

  • LSDH30th September, 2003

    I just started birddogging not too long ago and I didn't have any properties. I contacted an investor, and over lunch he let me know exactly what he was looking for.
    I believe we read the same article which said that birddogs should have properties first but I think they meant that birddoggs should have an idea of how to find properties. A lot of times people call themselves birddoggs but don't go out and do what needs to be done. And that, needless to say waste investors time.

  • killenjw30th September, 2003

    I understand what I said. I was just making a point that you have to start somewhere. The forum topic basically said you have to know everything before you get started. I wanted to make sense of the subject. It is hard work and a lot of newbie's on here don't realize that. I have been working on getting my feet wet and I seem to be doing alright. Occasionally I have a question, and it seems a select few people don't like to be questioned much. They already know everything and expect you too also. This is an excellent site for information and those few tend to think their stuff does not stink when it comes to giving advice. That or they are just rude in general.
    I appreciate all of you that do give advice and answer the questions of those who ask. You are truely wonderful people.

  • Val30th September, 2003

    I think experienced investor will take you more seriously if you can say what you've done already. I agree with the the earlier post - it is easier to find investors when you already have a deal. All you have to do is the find the deal, and the money will come. It may not come lickity split like so many of us thought when we first started out - you do have to do some scouting. But there are so many forums for you to post what you have available that it won't be long until you get a bite! Just focus on finding deals. You can then put your creativity and what you've learned into action with the help of others on this site.

    Happy Hunting!

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