Getting Started In Michigan

I expect to be living somewhere in the metropolitan Detroit area in the next year or so. I'm new to investing, but am interested in the long-haul, buy and rent, hope for appreciation strategy. Any advice of good locales within 50 miles of the area? I'm not really looking for properties in depressed locations (which are abundant in Detroit proper, but the 'burbs are prosperous numerous).


  • InActive_Account26th December, 2003

    There are many great areas near Detroit, where you do that. The best thing to do is start working with a real estate agent. You pick any city from Detroit to Ann Arbor to Gross Point and any in between. Get information from them and tell what you want to do and how soon. You will find at least one that will work with you. They should give you a good idea what areas that will work for you. If you any questions p.m. me.

  • mkustrzyk4th March, 2004

    If you are serious then please email me at **Please See My Profile** or call me at 586-979-3076. I would be more than happy to help you with your future investments.

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