Getting Paid For A Lead.

What is the best way to make sure I get paid on a lead and not cut out of a deal? Please help!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all,



  • feltman15th July, 2004

    get the property under contract, hire a good attorney and be prepared to do battle.

    This is a tough business and i have experienced desperate sellers signing multiple purchase agreements (with different buyers) in hopes of avoiding foreclosure.

    Other than taking title to a property, there is no iron clad guaranteed way to ensure you aren't cut out of a deal; all you can do is operate in such a manner that allows you to pursue legal options is anyone goes around you. But this is where you really need an attorney with experience in the type of work you are doing (offer to find them a home the attorney can buy from you at a discounted or free fee in exchange for their providing you with some customized contracts.

  • Bianca15th July, 2004

    I have my attorney, Who is GREAT by the way. Making a contract for me. I am more worried about investors not paying me. I would more or less like to just dispatch my leads to an investor after I have picked over the one's I want. I know this sounds different but I dont have enough money to buy them all . What do you think of a system? Feed back please.
    I love the way you all respond so quick.

    Thank you,

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