Getting Owner Financed Property Added To Your Credit Report

Does anyone know how I might get my home and land that I purchased through owner finance added to my credit report under real estate? In Texas


  • InActive_Account4th February, 2006

    Try calling the credit burues.

  • loans24seven17th February, 2006

    If you know a Mortgae broker you can have them contact the company they pull credit with and have them add that information to your credit file with the three major credit companys. The cost is usually about $75

  • d_random17th February, 2006

    You might wanna ask the same question on and see if they have any ideas.

  • linlin18th February, 2006

    If the owner is servicing the loan himself he can record the mortgage with the pertinent authority and it will show on your Transunion Credit although the paydown will not show
    If another agency is servicing it then they can report.

    I do want to say that you should really think about whether you want it on your credit or not. Might do more harm than good.

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