Getting Credit

Does anybody know of any credit card companys that will offer 0% for a period of time. For balance transfers and cash advances.



  • ELOCK30th December, 2003

    Not trying to be rude but dont you have a postal address. All of them do to try to get new customers.
    Recieve 5 offers a day threw the mail.At least.


  • nlsecor30th December, 2003

    I am guessing that you are not getting these in the mail. My suggestion would be to call one of the company's you already have a card with and ask for any balance transfer offers. if all the cards you currently have are pretty much full then you need to try the same thing with company's you do not have a card with.

    I fear that you would be getting these in the mail if you were qualified. Hence, you need to get rejected, or skip rejection, and find out what is wrong with your credit. Fixing the credit ... let's save that question for next time.

    Good is probably more important than cash. You know the old saying....Credit is

  • cygnus30th December, 2003

    I have 22 credit cards. (Its part of a stock investment strategy I started years ago.) Of all these, MBNA bank has the best promotions. Try this #: 800-421-2110

  • Birddog131st December, 2003

    its usually 0% interest for x amount of months, then once that time frame is up, you get slammed with all the months interest.

  • andmorgado31st December, 2003

    Discover used to offer 0% finance on balance transfers and new purchases and no fees.

    I got a GM Mastercard this year (August) and I got one year free finance on new purchases (I did not transfer a balance).

    Be very careful, the fine print will kill you, unless you know exactly what you're doing. I know because I got screwed myself.

    I transferred 1000 dollars from one credit card to a Citibank credit card offering 0% finance on balance transfers but not on new purchases.

    Then my new purchases totalled 800. So I paid eight hundred dollars. Citibanck applied that to pay part of the 1000 dollars that I was not paying interest on, instead of the 800 on new purchases.

    I was stuck paying interest for a month on the 800 dollars till I found another credit card to transfer the balance to. It was stupid but now I know.

    Best of luck, Andre

  • GREATLAKESLAND31st December, 2003

    There is a company called bankrate and their they have all the card companies and what they offer. Check your search engine. "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

  • InActive_Account1st January, 2004

    The internet is a good start.

    I agree with the above statement. "Once the 0% peried ends, get ready for some real high rates and/or fee out of this world.

    Try << >> and type in credit cards with zero (0%) interest. Trust me you'll have more than you want.

    Happy Hunting.....

  • pejames1st January, 2004

    Another Google fan! Yeah! I use it all the time. People would be surprised what they can come up with on it! Even in CREI!

  • makingaliving1st January, 2004

    And when you find one, whatever you do, don't be even one day late on a payment and don't go even $1 over your credit limit. The highway robbery penalties will kick in...$29 on this card I have. And to make matters worse, they reported this nonsense to the credit bureau and caused my score to drop just as I was attempting to refinance. Once I figured out what had happened, I wrote a hot letter to the credit card company and they sent a letter of apology (about the credit bureau snafu)...but they didn't refund the penalties. I detest Bank One.

  • norrist1st January, 2004

    Credit may be King, but Google rules!

  • pejames1st January, 2004

    Did they fix the mess in your score? I bet that takes an act of congress!! Good luck

    On 2004-01-01 22:02, makingaliving wrote:
    And when you find one, whatever you do, don't be even one day late on a payment and don't go even $1 over your credit limit. The highway robbery penalties will kick in...$29 on this card I have. And to make matters worse, they reported this nonsense to the credit bureau and caused my score to drop just as I was attempting to refinance. Once I figured out what had happened, I wrote a hot letter to the credit card company and they sent a letter of apology (about the credit bureau snafu)...but they didn't refund the penalties. I detest Bank One.

  • makingaliving1st January, 2004

    Surprisingly, they did fix the score, or at least fixed the report they sent to the credit bureau and my score was repaired. This all took about 4 months. I was able to give my lender (on a subsequent deal) a copy of the letter for consideration. I learned that writing letters are more effective than trying to deal with a powerless customer service rep.

  • DecisionMan3rd January, 2004

    All 0% interest offers are made through pre-screening criteria each of the three credit repositories sells as a service to credit-granting companies.

    They may choose to market a group in a certain income range, group of zip codes, with a certain amount of balances on revolving accounts, and a minimum credit score of xxx.

    So if you're not getting the offer, you're not meeting the criteria.

    BTW, the pre-screen inquiries do not affect your credit score. If you order your own credit file directly from the credit repository you'll see all the inquiries for the past two years that affect your score, and those that are pre-screens that have no bearing on the score.

  • mesabahouse4th January, 2004

    I called a list of credit cards to see if there were any that had 0% on cash advances. Has anybody out there used cards to help finance a deal. How did you go about it.

    Most of the cards have 0% for balance transfers but not for cash advances. I believe you can only use balance transfers for credit card to credit card.

    Any help would be great.

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