Get All Fired Up For Motivated Sellers!---Prt. #3

All right, here it is. I research in my area properties that have fire damage. The technique I describe here may or may not be applicable in your area depending on constraints with the information. You will just need to do some research and find out how and if these properties with fire damage have the information made public. In my area the Department of Code Violations has to automatically respond to inspect any properties that the fire department was called out to extinguish any type of fire. I simply access those property addresses that meet that criteria and start mailing letters/postcards to the owner listed on county assessor’s property records. For example on my first letter they receive it will go like this:


I noticed the other day where your property had extensive fire damage. I want to offer an opportunity to possibly buy the property due to this unfortunate event, however there is no doubt you have some decisions that need to be made.

It is not my intent to be confusing to your personal situation but rather to provide an option if you so may need. I am an investor and can close quickly if you have flexibility on your price, terms, or both. I do hope to hear from you soon if your situation needs immediate attention or please keep my name and number on this correspondence if another time would be more beneficial for you.


Scott Rister.


I’m the biggest fan of direct mail you will ever know and there simply is no secret how I find deals with fire damage. I mail, mail, and mail until sellers tell me to quit sending them letters or please come and take this property off my hands as quick as you can. In the above listed example on fire damaged properties they will receive two letters and two postcards over a four-month period from me. I just keep my name and number out there and consistent in my marketing approach.

This type of technique is useful to investors no matter what your specialization whether it’s wholesaling the property, rehabbing it, or what ever means necessary so that you profit from it. Hopefully if you weren’t before, you now are “All Fired Up For Motivated Sellers”.


  • way_motivated21st October, 2002

    who or where would i go to find out if this information is public?

    • ScottRister21st October, 2002 Reply

      It really just takes a phone call to find out if this information is publicly listed or not in your area. Look up under city government heading such as "Code Enforcement" or "Code Violations". Once you get that ph#, just tell that you are seeking properties that have code violations in the city and if that information is public and you can start from there.



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