Get All Fired Up For Motivated Sellers!---Prt. #1

What is the difference between you and the next real estate investor? Or maybe I should ask it this way, “do you want to consistently find truly great deals that separates you from others?”. Hopefully your answer is “yes” and if you are sincerely interested in finding motivated sellers then there are a few key principles that you as an investor need to master for success.

1) Specialize, specialize, and specialize in one area or technique in real estate to where you become an AUTHORITY on the topic. There are so, so many ways like for example being a wholesaler of quality properties, a subject-to guru on “pretty” house specials, Section 8 landlord for maximum cashflow, etc… For novice to even moderately experienced real estate investors, generally speaking you will realize greater success specializing in an area while continually developing your skills to become the elite investor labeled as: Transaction Engineer!

2) Find a niche need or service in your real estate market and |capitalize on it! Some examples could be publishing a weekly/monthly foreclosure listing in your area selling to other investors, get a listing of investors that use bandit signs and provide service to distribute and/or produce bandit signs, locate larger bank REO companies to provide “winterizing” of vacant houses in cold weather, and lastly fulfill other marketing techniques that no one else incorporates…..more to come!

3) Be a hybrid investor combining #1 and #2 listed above. There is a trend I see with many investors who I consider successful experiencing short and long-term success. That type of investor literally could write policies and procedures on at least one traditional area of real estate and then they combine that income stream with fulfilling another niche need specific to their real estate market.

Being a step ahead of your competition or rather knowing how to stay a step ahead of

your competition is the key for immediate and continued success in real estate. Finding niche marketing techniques is an area that you always need to explore and benefit from. That is exactly where we’re at and it is my sincere hope that you now, “Get All Fired Up For Motivated Sellers”.

The definition of motivated sellers all goes back to the seller having a “problem”. If sellers did not have a problem, then what would be their motivation for selling a property at such ridiculously cheap price and/or terms? That “problem” comes in too numerous of ways to adequately describe here but they could be foreclosure, lack of needed capital to fix a property up, property inherited and they don’t want to be a landlord, FIRE DAMAGE, etc….

Hopefully you caught the last one there and which is my focus on providing for you another niche marketing technique. Properties that have fire damage are prime candidates for fitting my criteria of being a motivated seller. Like an injury trial lawyer chasing ambulances, you as a real estate investor need to seek properties with fire damage. The bigger the problem equals the bigger the profit potential many times and fire damage properties should be a no-brainer area of opportunity.


  • knucs23rd April, 2003

    The more I read your "stuff" the wiser you become in my eyes!



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