General Disclaimer


You may have noticed in the law and legal forum that an atorney thinks posters should put a disclaimer that they are not attorneys when they offer legal advice. Carrying this one step further, I would note that almost all posters ar offering financial advice and few are licensed to do so.

Could you put a general disclaimer on top of the forum indexes, or where ever seems appropriate, that states that posters are only offering their opinions, and people should consult with licensed profesionals before following any advice offered on the forum? This simple statement could save both you and us a lot of future trouble.




  • ceinvests30th May, 2006

    I am voting "Yes", please, also.

    I have enjoyed having an opportunity on this site to offer advice, ideas, what I have done, + to ask questions. I hate the idea of setting someone up for a slap on the wrist because they answered a direct question to the best of their experience. I trust my decision-making process, so I sometimes ask very direct questions.
    No licenses currently held in anything. (xcept driving)

  • charlotteinvestor30th June, 2006

    I urge you guys to tag a disclaimer to panicfilm so anytime he logs on it says "not capable of sound advice".

  • InActive_Account30th June, 2006

    hey... there was that one time, in band camp

  • NewKidInTown330th June, 2006


    I think the site operators are already taking a step in the directioin you suggest. The Forum Rules already has the following:

    Disclaimer: TCI and its Moderators have NOT made any investigation and do NOT make any representation or warranty that the information posted on the Deals in Progress Forum is accurate or true. You use this Forum at your own risk. You should retain the appropriate professionals and conduct your due diligence before you make any contract or investment. The information in this Forum is not a substitute for the assistance or expertise of attorneys, title insurance companies, tax advisers, accountants or other experts and professionals.

    While this disclaimer is specific to the Deals In Progress Forum on the Commercial Board, I think a more generic version could be used to apply to the Boards in general, not to a specific forum.

  • charlotteinvestor30th June, 2006

    Now that would be awesome. But would anyone else have access to our list?

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