Gaining Access To Show The House

How do you convince the seller to give you full acces to their house (after you have the signed purchase agreement) enabling you to show the house to your potential buyers?


  • dkbj2nd April, 2004

    I just got home from showing a house that I am buying to lease option out, and I don't close for another 15 days.
    I just told her (the seller) my plan and explained to her that I would have to have access to the house. She has been more than fair about letting me show it. I think in the end it comes down to just explaining to them your situation.
    If you already have a contract and haven't asked, I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.

    Good luck

  • InActive_Account2nd April, 2004

    If the contract permits access to show the property, then the seller needs to (politely) be made aware of that clause.

    Much of the time the agreement allows access with reasonable notice.

    Try to get the sellers to realize that the faster the house sells the faster the sellers get cash/resolve their problem/get to start a new chapter/etc.

    Perhaps, some sort of added perk will make them more cooperative. If the property is in foreclosure, then no cash would be advanced until you have a new buyer and the sellers full cooperation.

  • jeb2nd2nd April, 2004

    I understand gaining access to a home on a lease option. I am more concerned with flipping a wholesale deal. Do you simply tell the seller that you will be re-selling his home for more $ than he is receiving? Most sellers that I talk to have a hard time swallowing this concept. [ Edited by jeb2nd on Date 04/02/2004 ]

  • OwnerWillFinance10th April, 2004

    I re-sell for more than what the seller is getting and it stated in the contract as so. I set a time and date for showings then show the house to buyers with the seller at the home. The seller is okay with this method.

  • jeb2nd10th April, 2004

    So if I understand you. You tell the seller at the time of signing the purchase agreement and giving a earnest money deposit that you have no intention of purchasing their home??? You tell the seller that you will be wholesaling the home to another buyer for a profit before you ever go to closing with them???? And they have to give you access to show the home??? Do I have this correct?

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