full-time or part-time

Hello Everyone!

I am conducting some preliminary research on opportunities in real estate investment, and I have a quick question for you. Is it truly feasible to do this business part-time? How many hours a day/week do you spend on project management? Would it be better to focus on this full-time?

Also, do you know anything about whether or not the Asbury Park, NJ area is coming back?

Thanks! LOL


  • Rudolf19th February, 2003

    It is very asy to do this part-time. It all depends on the amount of "hands-on" experience you want to have.

    Two things are importand in REI, other people's money, and other people's time.

    If you make propper use of both, the sky is the limit.

  • 19th February, 2003

    It also depends on how many deals you would like to do per month, quarter, year, etc. The more you work it the the faster you will see results. Utilizing bird-dog services is a great way to achieve your goals if you have money to invest but not alot of time to hunt down the deals.


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