FSBO In Wisconsin & Pattern Of Sales
In Wisconsin, you can sell real estate without a license to the extent that a pattern of sales is not establshed--five sales in one year or 10 sales in 5 years. How can we sell as many properties as we want by owner without having to use a realtor?
That was areally good post Iam in the process of purchasing properties for flip/and short sale. I have a couple friends in RE and one is a Appraiser I will ask that question and post back today if I can. I would be really disappointed if a person cannot sell more than 10 props. in a 5 year period since we are in line to do 5-6 a year. reply to your post if I can be of any help or you find your answers sooner than I.
Good Luck in your quest to financially break free of the J-O-B. :-D