

I started the process of getting a fradulent charge-off of of my credit www.record.I have done the following things in order to prepare myself:

1) Dealt with a credit issue on my report.Still dealing with fraud.
2)Wrote and built budgets and business models.
3) Preparing all my paperwork to send to lender when credit issue is resolved.
4) Determined right amount of cash flow I am comfortable with.
5) Lined up realtor to work with and attorney.

I still feel that I am missing something.Should I be doing something else in preparation to purchase my first apartment building? Also, how long, legally, does a creditor have to investigate and clear you of any fradulent account charges? I know that the credit bureaus have 30 days to respond. I am ready to do my first deal and feel like things aren't moving fast enough.Am I over-reacting?HEEEELLPPP! mad


  • makingaliving18th November, 2003

    I think it's the creditors who have 30 days to respond to your complaint, and if they don't, then the credit bureau can remove the bad marks.

    I got pre-approved for my loan before I put a contract on a property. That makes your offer look much better and things just go smoother.

  • Steena21st November, 2003

    If I am understanding your problem takes three letters to get anything removed from your credt. Generally 30-45 days per letter. First letter is polite and nice, requesting action about said account. Second letter is less nice, but still polite, informing them that this is the second letter and you demand action (attach copy of first letter). Third letter is certified and demanding. No nicities, not even polite, but not rude. Include copies of both letters and tell them that within the guidelines of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, they MUST remove said account from your report. Final. They have to. The law says 30 days, but 45 shows amble patience and willingness to www.settle.If you want to read the FCRA, type it into your browser and it's right there. I can't remember the link, but it's on the web...available to everyone.

  • classimg21st November, 2003

    You have rights and you must be patient. We have been told the 30 days to respond is begins WHEN the bureau opens (not receives) the complaint/letter.

    Eric & Rosa

  • Steena21st November, 2003

    wow. I've never heard that. How can you track that? How do you know when they open it? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm curious.

  • classimg21st November, 2003

    Yep, we were just as perplexed. You can not possibly track it! But the bureau's have strong armed the law.

    A professional credit repair shop owner in Arizona released this information.

  • flacorps21st November, 2003

    The folks I know about use certified mail return receipt requested and get a green card back that they use to mark the beginning of the 30 days.

    If the agencies could arbitrarily start the clock when they opened the letter, they'd have warehouses full of unopened letters ... clear back to the date the act went into effect!

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