From Erik55

Dear Friend,

Dear Friend,

Please reply me through this my private e.mail Address **Please See My Profile**

Before I proceed, I must apologize for this unsolicited mail to you. I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to establishing a business relationship, but you will realize the need for my action. I got your Contact While on a private research on the internet for a reliable and capable Foreign partner who will be willing to involve in a confidential Transaction With me. I am Master Erick Omar.

I would like you to permit me to apply through this medium for your co-operation and to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint relationship and business with you in your country. I have a substantial capital I honourably Inherited from my late father late Mr Joseph Omar who was minister of Interior and dealer in Cocao and coffee platation. Dear, If you wish to assist me in getting my inherited transfer out of my country then do reply me and back with your full information such as your full name, telephone and address for me to give you more details regarding this opurtunity


Please reply me through this my private e.mail Address **Please See My Profile**

My regards

Erick Omar.



  • joel1st November, 2007

    That just means your moderator freebie susbscription has lapsed, and you need to contact me or support to reinstate it.

  • JamesStreet1st November, 2007

    Thanks Joel. It has been working now for a while but again thanks for looking into it.


  • woodsong18th October, 2007

    True indeed bargain though is the time to be really be in the game due to the soft market conditions!! Incredible deals out there.

  • woodsong1st November, 2007

    Well said James...kudos to Joel for this site! I think it;s a good thing the fly by night folks are exiting stage left- too many whackos out there who think real estate is all money and no work!

  • joel4th November, 2007

    We are moving most of our resources out to those people who are dealing with real estate each and everyday. Thus PropBot will still be our main focus. All of the features will still be utilized by TCI folks as well.

  • NC_Yank8th November, 2007

    I too believe it is the least around the greater Charlotte Area.

    I have spoken with several experienced investors and their biggest complaint is that there are too many novices that have gotten into the market and are buying too high and not being able to finish projects or letting them go for nothing.
    Some of the posts I have seen validate such arguments.

    I know in new construction (spec), the market is very tough.
    Last year I had clients literally fly in from all over the country to see and buy my homes, this year I just about have to give them away......couple that with several big track builders about to lose their is not going to be pretty.


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