Free RE Agent Training

What is the catch to free RE Agent training? What disadvantages are there to being an agent and an investor?
Out of curiousity- if you bought a property that someone came to you to sell for them can you still make a percentage?>



  • NancyChadwick11th October, 2004

    If you are not a principal in the deal and you are not RE licensed, chances are the laws of your state prohibit your collecting any compensation--just like they prohibit people from practicing medicine without a medical license.

    "Free RE agent training"--didn't know there was such a thing. Where have you seen that?

  • AllCash4Homes11th October, 2004

    many brokers will offer free real estate salesperson training classes to attract more agents working for them, which makes them more money. be aware that the class being free does not mean that there are no costs in applying for the state license, taking the state licensing exam, etc.

    as an agent, if you buy a property from someone who has approached you about listing their property, you can get whatever you can negotiate with the seller. the seller would possibly be glad for you to buy it rather than list it, as long as they can get what they want/need out of the transaction. your job is to convince them that they could get the same net amount by selling to you at fair market value minus your customary commission. you will be "double-ending" the transaction, since you would not be splitting the commission with a selling broker.

    hope this helps!

    happy investing


  • cdkerr111th October, 2004

    I tooko the "free" course here in maryland with no; intention of becoming an agent but just to educate myself. There were no catches and only about a $60 charge and maybe something for books. But was well worth it. I did wind up becoming a referal agent which means when I buy a house thru my agent or have her sell one I get a percentage of the commision, and it gives my a way to have a license and keep it current without actually having to work as an agent and if in the future I want to become one I will not have to take the course over again. Seems like a good deal to me.

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